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"T-.... Taemin...." Jimin's eyes were already filled tear of fear.

Taemin didn't understood and looked behind and he gasped as he saw jungkook but before he can speak or do anything he got a big blow on head making him fall instantly.

"TAEMIN!!!!" Jimin screamed trying to hold him but he was already on ground.

Jimin looked up as he thought jungkook will attack him next but he just stared at him making jimin come back from shock and he started running for his life without wasting any second. His phobia of dark wasn't helping it as he already fall on knees before reaching terrace door.

He looked behind but jungkook was still standing there which confused him...... Wasn't he here to hurt him?

He got up with bleeding knee and stared to run toward elevator pressing his floor button as soon as he can.

Within few minutes he was on his floor but as soon as door opened he screamed coz jungkook was standing there blood on that mask....... It was impossible.

"PLEASE JUNGKOOK NO!!!!" he screamed.

It was fucking impossible to get here this fast from terrace.

There was some space between him and jungkook.... He dodged him to side and run in apartment trying to lock it but jungkook's leg was stuck there due to which he couldn't close it. He didn't had any option but leave it there and run in his bedroom.

But the second he turned around his knees give up.... He fall on ground watching all his friends in blood bath which were just celebrating his birthday....

"N-.... No....." He whispered but whistle from behind made him run for his life in bedroom.

He picked up his phone calling 911 as soon as he can but a loud thud sound on his bedroom door made him look back in fear only to watch he was trying to break door with fucking hammer!

"Hellow sir how can I help you?" The voice on phone said giving him smallest hope.

The banging continued and it was fast now... Maybe he know jimin called 911.

"H-... Hellow..... Please s-... Save me! He will kill me!"

"Sir please tell us your address we will be there within 10 minutes."

"T-.. Ten? No h-... He will kill......AAAAAH NO.... GOD PLEASE NO." before he can say anything jungkook was already inside.

Jimin was hiding below bed but it was easy for jungkook to see due to his phone light.

There was silent for a moment .....tap water running in kitchen can easily be heard.

"Hellow sir you there?" The voice said and jimin got dragged out by his feet phone landing beside him.

"PLEASE JUNGKOOK NO! P-... PLEASE YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I love y-... Aaah" jimin screamed as jungkook landed hammer on his phone breaking it into pieces.

Next thing jimin saw was he raising that big thing over jimins head to hit it on his head.....

"AAAAAAH."  a loud screamed was heard in whole house.

Current time......

"So what you are saying is you both were in terrace.... Gone for a good talk..... Suddenly jungcock appeared ..... He slapped you you fell down and you don't know anything from then right?"

"Its jungkook..."taemin whispered who was sitting on sofa still in shock and not accepting that jimin is not in this world anymore.

"Huh?" Yoongi look up removing his spectacles.

"His name.... Jeon jungkook."

"Ohh..... Whatever other things are correct right?"

"Yeah." He said crying again like a child with sobs. Yoongi scratched back of his head looking for help but there was no one. They both were in living room since taemin refused to see where his friends died and tae was inspecting there while other cops were searching for evidences.

He took feel breath and scooted near taemin putting his note pad beside.

"Listen buddy...... Shit happens. You gotta be strong okay?" Yoongi tried to convience and this was best he can do in it.

" He didn't deserve this..... He didn't deserve any of this shit!" Taemin said and cried more strongly. Yoongi just hugged him awkwardly.

"Tae did you got any clue?"

"Huh? First thing we gotta do is find that poor boy's body man!" Tae said showing yoongi picture where only blood was scattered all over floor of bedroom but no body at all.



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