Game for two [4]

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Silver and I walked hand in hand towards my house. He could be seen better and better through the evening mist. We came to his doorstep and I opened the door.
-Make yourself at home!
I blurted out, hanging up my backpack, having previously taken out (Pokemon name) from there. Silver smiled at me, after which we went with him and (Pokemon name) to the living room. There I invited Silver to play my console. Hmm, well, he didn't mind.I took out my favorite game and inserted its cartridge into the console. Silver and I played against each other, and strangely enough, I won, bypassing him twice. My (Pokémon name) was watching our game. Silver didn't look too upset that I beat him on points, he just focused more on the game. When Silver lost again, he asked me:
-Honey, can I bring something from your kitchen? Well... Let's take a break. * MUFFLED *
-Yes, of course, redhead.
I blushed and smiled at him. He went to the kitchen, and I stopped the game and waited for him. My Pokémon smiled slyly and seemed to show its shipper nature with its whole appearance. But now Silver has already come and brought a bunch of waffles and cookies for the two of us. He sat down again and we continued to play until the very night. When I saw the time on the clock, it was already 0:46 pm. Then I distracted Silver and said:
-Listen, it's already a bit late. Let's go to bed and finish the game tomorrow, shall we?
Silver looked at the time and nodded to me. Before I went to bed, I first laid my Pokemon down. Then I went with Silver to my room. We took off our outer clothes and lay down on the bed. He put his arms around me and nuzzled the top of my head. So we went to bed. ..True, it didn't last long... Waking up at 2:17 pm I didn't find Silver with me. But I heard the creaking of the door to my room. It was Silver .. But .. Because of the moonlight, some part of his face appeared .. He cut out the outline of his mouth with my kitchen blade. Did he really have it? It looked creepy.. I asked him why he did it.
-Now my torment is over.
I could clearly hear his voice. Finally! I walked up to him and he immediately hugged me.
-I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met you the night we met. ..Honey...
I hugged him back. His voice was so gentle.. I just wanted to listen to him forever. And I was glad that now Silver does not feel discomfort. After this intercourse, we went to bed. But apparently, Silver decided to take advantage of new opportunities. He leaned against the wall of the bed, placing me on top of him. I was only wearing a home top and panties. He pulled the straps off my shoulders a bit, and it seemed to me that it dawned on me what he was going to do. He bit me on my collarbones, as if he knew that these are my most sensitive places, leaving hickeys on them. I just moaned softly as I was unable to suppress my moans. After that, he just licked my neck, to which I quietly moaned his name
-S-Silver.. Ah~
He smiled and immediately kissed me on the lips. It was wonderful ... At first I didn't answer him very skillfully, but then I got used to it and our tongues intertwined in a passionate dance. However, we need air, so we stopped this business. After all these games, Silver and I decided to go to bed. He covered us both with a blanket, then hugged me and whispered.
-Good night, honey.♡

[!] So.. Here is the new fluff chapter. And if someone is interested in the reason for my long absence, then I just had a high temperature. But now it's much better.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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❤️🌫️Silver x Reader🐚 [HYPNO'S LULLABY]Where stories live. Discover now