Endless Calling

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"Castiel, I swear I'm gonna bring Lucifer back unless you get down here!"
No response.
"Castiel, I'm gonna kill Bobby unless you come here now!
"I heard that you idjit!"
No response.
"Castiel, I'm going to go out on a hunt. Right now unless you come!"
No response.
"Castiel! I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I don't know. I just need you tonight."
Dean colasped onto his bed, head buried in his hands. Dean had been calling to the angel for hours, trying everything he could think of. He thought that this time Cas and him had parted on a good note. There's no way he had messed up that bad in under 48 hours.
Dean silken for a few moments longer, and decided to take a shower. It was only 4 p.m., but he already felt dirtier than he had in months. Therapy always left him feeling out of his own body.
He practically hit the ceiling, suprised at the ruff voice that had randomly appeared.
"Damnit Cas. My body's not stable enough for that right now. Are you trying to kill me?"
"My apologies. I heard you calling, but I was preoccupied with some family buisness."
"Playing heavenly sheriff?"
Castiel shrugged, "I guess you could call it that."
They sat in comfortable silence until Castiel bluntly asked, "Do you want to talk about why you chose to stay with an abusive father and not leave like Sam?"
"Well Cas, that is a very personal question. Aren't you going to buy me dinner first?"
Dean cocked his head. "Huh?"
"I will take you to supper first, if you would like."
"Oh." Dean fell silent for a second. He knew he had to talk to Cas, but letting another man treat him ruined his image as painfully heterosexual. But hey, he was broke, amd food was food. "Sure. Let's go. But hey, why are you treating me so much? Like, we're frends and all, but recently you've been being very gentle and comforting. It's not very... manly, ya know."
"Dean," Castiel sighed, "I'm an angel. I'm not defined by gender. I just happen to be in a male vessel. And, my family has dragged you into our afairs frequently. A lot of the trauma you experience is more than likely on our behalf . We've dragged you through hell and back, in the most literal sense of the words. So, I feel as though every once in a while, someone should show you that our father and the rest of us aren't entirely evil. "
"I know you're not bad Cas." Dean blushed and looked at the ground. That felt awkward to say to another man.
"So, Bobby has told me of a lovely pizza place downtown. Would you by chance be interested?"
"Yeah, I could use a beer."
"No way in hell."
"Dammit Bobby. How long have you been there?" Dean glared at the man over his shoulder.
"Long enough to know you boys need a ride, and that there will be no beer until you can bench press me."
"How about woman?"
"You're comming home with me tomight whether you like it or not."
"Fine," Dean grumbled. "But we don't need a ride. Cas and I will just walk."
Bobby moved closer to Castiel. "If you come back with him drunk or not with you, we're going to have an issue."
"Did you just threaten an angel of the lord?" Castiel glared at Bobby.
"Yes, I did. And I'll do it again, flutter boy." Bobby reached for a gun.
"Yes sir." Castiel told him before his hand could wrap around.
"Bobby," Dean sighed, "enough with the guns! Amd Castiel, you're an angel. Why are you afraid of guns? They've never hurt you before."
"Well, Jimmy has been unhappy with my current treatment of getting him run over and killed repeatedly. So, i think I'll spare him a gun wound."
"Since when did you care about your vessel?"
"I don't know. Can we just go now?"
"Yes." Dean grabbed his jacket and walked past Bobby, patting him on the shoulder. "I'll be back by two."
"You'll be back by eight." Bobby gruffly responded and gently pushed Dean out the door, but stopping Castiel as he moved to follow him.
"Listen here boy. I know that we aren't all that close, but you gotta do something about thag boy. Therapy's been helping, but no where near enough. I don't know what you gotta do to fix him, but do it soon."
Castiel mutely nodded as he heard Dean call for him. He wasn't going to let Dean go back into the world until he was normal again.
* * *
Dean and Cas had walked to the restaurant in a comfortable silence. They're shoulders occasionally touching, hands brushing against each other. But the second they got there, Dean became excited and talkative, instantly pushing Cas towards the bar, mumbling something about how Bobby will never know.
"Dean, I like this vessel, and would prefer not to have its body in pieces."
"It'll all be good!" Dean exclaimed as her ordered another beer. "How about you just relax and go talk to some ladies. Like I will be doing right now." His eyes trailing over a skinny blonde in a tight leather miniskirt. "I'm gonna go hit that. How about you go talk to blue eyes over there?" He pointed to a short girl in a large sweater. "Just your type."
"Dean, i dont..." He was already gone.
Castiel turned back to the mountain dew infront of him, trying to ignore the strange sensation in his chest. It was almost painful, and it got worse every time he looked over to Dean and the girl. He didn't like this feeling. It was homestly very sad adnd left a bitter taste im his mouth. God. What is going on? Why do I feel this way? And why is Dean with that little whore?
Castiel gasped at his own thoughts and looked away. That was no way for an angle to think! But, he just got so mad looking at them. He looked down at his drink. Tonight was going to be a long night.
* * *
"She was a whore! Girls are terrible. I hate them all!" Dean yelled as he stumbled into Castiel's arms.
"Wow. Dean, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, but that little slut isn't!"
"Dean, it was a bad choice to flirt with a married woman. "
"But she led me on."
Castiel was angry. "Why don't you just stop flirting with woman?"
"Do you want me to flirt with you instead?" Dean smirked and cocked an eyebrow.
"That's not... I...." Castiel stopped moving. He suddenly realized he was envious of thoses girls. He wanted Dean. He deserved Dean. "And if I do?"
"Then," Dean slurred, "I'd probably kiss you. 'Cause I'm curious, and you look real nice at night."
"Do it." The words barely left Castiel's mouth before he felt Dean's warm body against his own. His lips, raw and soft gently pressed against Castiel's chapped dry ones. His grip was gentle but firm on Castiel's waist. After the initial shock, Cas gently kissed him back. Savoring the taste of... Dean.
They finally pulled apart with a unanimous "wow".
Dean didn't know what the future would hold. Hell, up until 20 seconds ago, he didn't know he was gay. But, he knew he felt safe in Castiel's arms, and that was where he belonged. There would be no more endless calling.

Thank you for reading! Please comment/review. This is my first work here, and i can only get better, but not without your help! Thanks again! I'm so glad you stuck through this!

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