The Truth

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"Dean, I think we need to get you some help."
"Bobby, what are you talking about?" It was two a.m. and they were both sitting on Dean's bed.
Dean had just awoken screaming for another nightmare. His hads were so shakey that he couldn't hold the water that Bobby tried to put in his hands.
"Dean , this is the fifth time in three days I've come up here and found you screaming and sobbing. Something has gotta change damn it. I can't let you hurt yourself like this any longer."
"I don't need help. I'm just a bit antsy after not being on the road for so long."
"Dean, it's only been two weeks. That's not a long time. Listen, i don't care what you want. I'm getting you some help, so just sit down and quit bitchin.'"
"Bobby.. I don't need..."
Bobby cut him off as he picked up a gun from the wall. "You're getting help."
Dean gave him a angry glare. "God Bobby, you just love pulling out guns on me recently."
"I'll do what it takes to keep an igjit like you under control. Alright, I have a friend in this town."
"You have friends!" Dean faked a gasp.
"Haha. You're so damn funny. Anyway, she's a former hunter, and now she does therapy. You'll have an appointment with her tommorow."
Dean grumbled and fell back onto his pillow. "Fine."
"Good, 'cause you didn't have a choice. Get back to sleep." Bobby groaned as he pushed himself off the chair.
"Getting a bit creaky there?" Dean called
"Just go back to bed ya idjit."
Dean layed back, worry writen all over his face. He had never done therapy before, and sure didn't want to give it a try now.
* * *
"Hello Dean. My name is Emilie. All you need to know about me is that I'm here to help you, not mess you up more.
Dean instantly liked her.
* * *
"How was it?" Bobby asked the second Dean walked through the door.
"It was cool. I liked her. I'm gonna go take a nap."
"Really Dean? That's all I get?"
Dean looked over his shoulder from half way up the stairs. "I'll see her again on Monday next week."
Bobby smirked at Dean's back. That boy sure did need some help, and he was glad to provide it.
* * *
"Castiel." Dean smiled at the angel sitting on his bed. "It's nice to see you again."
"You to Dean. Are you feeling any better?"
"Yeah. I mean, i can move now. That's a plus. Still can't lift anything more than five pounds. But, that comes with time. Where have you been?"
"Assisting your brother."
"Oh." Dean frowned, "glad you could help him."
"Why are you upset? Would you rather i had just left your brother alone to die? I'm sorry I had to think about someone other than you for once."
"Ah can it you bastard!" Dean raised his voice,
"I'll just leave again. There are plenty of people who could use me more than you right now, and yet I'm sitting here and talking to you becuase you're being a whining brat."
"Cas, please don't go. Stay with me at least for a while." Dean was suprised at how needy his voicd sounded.
"Alright, I'll stay. What would you like to talk about?"
"I don't know. My heads just a bit out of sorts right now."
"Well, Bobby's makeing me take therapy, and the chick wants to talk about my dad and crap."
"Your father? What's wrong with that?"
Dean sighed. "Well, dad wasn't always the nicest. He belived that by enduring pain, we would become stronger. So, he liked to beat us, cut us up, make us feel like trash, show us the hunter way of life." Dean had no idea why he even chose to tell Cas this, but once he started, he couldn't stop. "Sammy damn near killed himself. Found him one day with cuts all up and down his arms. Said that he couldn't handle the way dad was treating us. Said he wasn't worth living, so he didn't want to anymore. That was the first time i had to go to a hospital. They kept Sammy for a few days, and then decided he was good to go home as lomg as he got some therapy. When they asked about the bruises, Dad said he was in football. Anyway, Sam never got therapy, dad beat the shit out of him when we got home, then he did the same to me. Said he was toughening us up."
Dean hadn't even realized there were tears streaming down his face until Cas gently swept them up.
"Dean, that's terrible. I can understand why you've been having nightmares. The honest truth is that therapy may be what you need. So, keep with it, and if you ever need support, I'm right here. I'll always be here."
Dean, without even thinking, pulled Castiel into his arms. Tears ran freely from his eyes, and Castiel just held him. Letting the truth sink in for all it was worth.

Hey guy, i know Dean and Cas were out of character, but I had to do something to make them get together. Forgive me great fandom! Anyway, sorry this is so short. I have to get an education tomorrow, so I need sleep, but I just had to get a little Destiel out there!

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