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"Dean, can you tell me what your relationship with Sam is?"
"Well, he's my brother. Nothing else left to say."
"Dean, when two victims are abused by the same man, they tend to develop a deep connection. Do you ever feel as though you're reliant on Sam?"
"We rely on each other."
Emilie gave him an I'm not payed enough to take your shit, and I know there's more to the story.
"Okay. You were a hunter, right?"
"Yes, I was.
"Alright." Dean lay back on the couch. "Sammy and I are all the other one has got. Didn't you have a hunter that you trusted above everyone else?"
"Yes, I did. And then, he stabbed me."
"He stabbed you." Dean's face fell into a slight O.
"Yep. Demon possessed him, he stabbed me, I killed him, and I was officially incapable of hunting."
"Wow. That's intense."
"Yep. There, I bore my heart out for you, so you owe me the same."
Dean sighed. "Alright. I guess that I just belive that no one can be trusted. Even Sammy got hopped up on demon blood. Everyone hurts me at some point. I can't even trust an angel of the Lord."
"You met an angle?"
"I met plenty of angels. Trust me, they're not all their cracked up to be."
"Well, I guess I'll trust you there. So, tell me about this angel."
"His name is Castiel. We've had quite a few ups and downs. He's beat the shit out of me, I'm the reason he fell out of God's grace. Ya know. Minor things. He also kinda raised me up from hell, so that was cool."
She just gave a slight nod of recognition. "Well, he sounds like a friend. Do you trust him?"
"With my life."
"Do you trust him with you're feelings?"
"We're dudes. We don't talk about that kinda stuff."
"Well maybe you should, because he may be good for you. He'll help you open to other people then Sam. Give him a chance."
"Alright," Dean sighed and pushed himself up off the couch. "Thanks Emilie, I'll see you next week."
"Same time?"
"Sounds great." He nodded and headed out the door. He just needed to get Cas to come back first.

Sorry this was so short, marching band is starting today, but I just had to get this out there. I promise the next chapter will be extra long to make up for this.

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