Looks! + Information?

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This..is kinda what he looked like when he was a Human, just pretend his In different clothes, His eyes being Grey and his hair as Strawberry blonde!

Name/Nickname : Sans, Blessing ( other Names/Nicknames will come later on :D )

Age? : Around 10-11 or so

Pronouns? : He/They

Height? : Around 5'7ft

Any Magic? : The same as UT!Sans, Except he doesn't have Karma retribution(?) [Is that the actual name of It, or-?]

Any family members? Before & after Reincarnation? : Yes, Two older Siblings. Twins actually, a Girl and a Boy. Of course, their Parents and Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles. Etcetera, Etcetera.

Papyrus, only family member known currently.

[This is what he also looked like when he was Human :)](Also- His a bit grown up here btw)

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[This is what he also looked like when he was Human :)]
(Also- His a bit grown up here btw)

Name/Nicknames : Papyrus, ??? (Can any of ya'll give me Nicknames for Sans to call him other than his name with Papy or something-??)

Age? : 6 Months old (as a Baby at least-), 3-4 (In the picture above :>)

Pronouns? : He/him

Height? : Around 4'2 In the picture-

Any magic? : Telekinesis, Teleportation (Doesn't have It until later on), Bone Magic (also doesn't have it till later on)

Any family members? Before & after Reincarnation? : A Only child when he was Human.
Still had his Parents and Grandparents tho. One Aunt, Three Uncles. (That he only Knows about-)

Sans, Only family member known currently.

Sans, Only family member known currently

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