"Do you know who you are?"
I lay in the uncomfortable hospital bed. I had never been questioned by the police before, I think. How can I be sure of that if I'm not even sure what my first name is.
A young officer ran through the room, huffing and puffing. I guessed he's a rookie by the way he barged through my room.
"Does....the......name...... Micah Anderson.....mean anything.....to you," he wheezed.
"No. Should it," I asked.
"Yes, it's your name," he said worried.
"Huh, I don't think I look like a Micah but okay," I said.
They said that they'll contact my parents and inform them of my condition.
"Have you ID'd our John Doe," asked another burly police officer as he came into my room with coffee.
"Yeah, Micah Anderson's his name. Parents are on the way in 30," the rookie answered proudly.
Random"Do you know who you are?" Those are the first words Micah hears when he wakes up in a small, depressing hospital room. Micah has no idea who he is, let alone how he'd ended up there. He has no idea that his own stepbrother beat him unconscious. As...