Chapter 2 Where am I

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A/N: Hey guys I just got to say that I finally have some motivation to do this chapter so yeah enjoy ^u^ Also fyi Nezuko looks like the picture above.

Uploaded December 7th, 2022

Updated March 7th, 2024: (I did some grammatical and spelling corrections)

Nezuko POV: Ugh why does my body hurt so much.

3rd person POV

As Nezuko started to open her eyes she realizes that she is in an unfamiliar place that looks like a hospital, and when she turns her head she sees who she thinks is her mother sitting in a chair with dark circles under her eyes. She also looks like she is crying.

Nezuko pov: How is she here she died didn't she, or was that all a dream?

Nezuko: UGH, nothing is making sense. I died, or I think I did, or at least I should have.

Due to Nezuko speaking out loud Nezuko's mom woke up

Kie Kamado(Nezuko's mom): N- N- Nezuko, YOUR AWAKE, MY BABY GIRL

she sits up and gives you a hug as if she was never going to let you go again.

Nezuko's mom: Stay here I am going to get a doctor.

Nezuko pov: Not like I can walk out of a hospital with out no one noticing me .

When she came back Nezuko saw someone who looked familiar,

Nezuko pov: Is that Shinobu, no that can't be her, is that her dead sister? Kanae Kocho?

???: Well looks like you have finally woken up, how are you feeling? *she said in a voice that feels like she is giving you a warm hug* 😊

Nezuko: I am feeling good for the most part, but my head hurts a lot. May I ask you a question?

???: Sure go ahead

Nezuko: I would feel bad if I just kept calling you miss, so I was wondering what is your name?

???: Oh my name is Kanae Kocho, but you can call me Ms.Kocho.

Nezuko: Oh okay, (pov, ah ha, I knew it) Also can you tell me why I am here in a hospital?

Kanae: Oh my, you don't remember what happened, well I will just have your mother explain.

Nezuko's mom: Well you see sweetie, um you got into a bike accident, and you hit your head pretty hard and you passed out luckly someone was walking by and saw it happened and called an ambulance but left before we could say thank you for calling the ambulance.

Nezuko: Oh okay, um so is there any damage to my brain or no,

Kanae: No there isn't any damage to your brain , in fact you can be released tomorrow, we just had to wait for you to wake up

suddenly someone comes running in

Nezuko Pov: Is that who I think it is 

Who do you think is running in, and who do you think called the ambulance

also just look at this fricken cute picture

also just look at this fricken cute picture

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