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Nothing last forever. Not even the love of your special ones. He don't know what is lacking in him that his soulmate,life partner,love of the life falling out of love. Morever now that he have a daughter.

There is no point to shed tears, no point to feel heartbroken when you know nothing will change no matter what you do. Jisung got numb to all those feelings with every passing day. He is willing to take more of those if that is to keep their little family together.

Who would believe if he say people who were known for being soulmates now can't even have a proper conversation without arguing? Time does change people.

Now looking back to the old days he know he was wrong when he thought dating Lee Minho or the boy of everyone's dream was a good idea. Let alone getting married and giving birth. But the old Minho was so different. Missing numerous dates, forgetting jisung's birthday is just wasn't his things. He now always comes home late, and also those frequent business trips. Oh did he ever think hands that used to hold him protectively now use to hit him?

There is no time to regret his life. All jisung wants is to give his daughter everything she deserves. He wants her to grow up with a family, full of love. He wants her to feel loved. Give everything that he never got as a child. He is also afraid if he leave minho he won't be able to live with ryung anymore  And maybe a part of him is still hopelessly in love with his husband but he will ignore this for now.

Call him stupid but love is something you can't control.

For jisung Minho was the first person that made him feel loved, and wanted. When they first meet or when Minho showed his obvious interest in him, those all were new to him.

Not having a decent family,getting bullied in school,getting rape by his ex boyfriend and his boyfriend's "bestfriend" was han jisung's life. It's all prove how easy was for minho to melt jisung. Their common interests and everything were so good to be true.

He was convinced that they were soulmates and were meant to meet. They had so many unforgettable memories together that jisung will never want to recreate or share with anyone else that is not minho. This new person Minho has became is a total stranger to him. He wants to believe that It's just their relationship going through some ups and downs but deep down he also knows the result of this.

Jisung's thoughts broke with the sound of the doorbell ringing. He was waiting for Minho to return home. It has become minho's nature to come home drunk every weekend. And jisung was so tired of this. Jisung told him so many times to stop this as ryung can always see minho like tha- sequent ringing bell made him run to the door and open it.

Yet another night of Minho coming home drunk with his other friend who probably came to drop off minho because Minho wasn’t fit for driving. Jisung quickly bowed to Minho's friend and muttered a small thanks. He took minho to their share bedroom.

While he tried to change minho's working clothes, minho pull him closer and crash their lips together. The kiss was rather rough than soft. Jisung was tired of this thing they do while Minho is drunk, minho not even asking him before starting anything not to mention how Minho never stop when jisung told him to. He even never care about the after care. It's always jisung who will gather himself and clean everything avoiding all the pains.

Sure they were married but these things are becoming more like Minho just enjoying jisung's body and it makes jisung feel disgusting.

"Minho Please stop you're drunk" jisung tried to stop Minho but his pleaded was nothing with the beast Minho has become. He whimpers when Minho roughly bites his neck maybe to let jisung know that he is worthless in front of Minho. Jisung gather himself and pushed minho backward. "You can't do that minho, you can't," jisung said while standing up.

But he was soon pinned back in their bad while Minho was on top of him. Minho starts to roughly kiss him again, biting his lips aggressively causing them to bleed. Jisung can't do anything except cry. He badly wants to stop Minho, he can't take this pain anymore, and he feels so weak. Just when jisung was about to give up he saw his daughter.

Ryung was there standing outside the room with her stuffed unicorn. She looks like she was crying. He hates to see his daughter like this."Stop for god sake Ryu is watching us. Please stop" jisung's words made no difference in Minho's behavior. Jisung pushed minho this time more aggressively and run to his daughter to pick her up.

He hates this. He hates it when ryung sees them like this. Jisung all of the people know very well how it feels to see parents parting away right in front of their eyes. Jisung hated his parents for the things they made him go through. But ryung is only 4. She understands nothing. Jisung doesn't want ryung to hate her dad. The only time minho spent peaceful time with jisung was when ryung is with them. Jisung was thankful for that. But today minho crossed every limit. Jisung ends up falling asleep with ryung in his arm.

Jisung as always wakes up early. He put some ointment on all the bitting from the previous night. Made breakfast for everyone. Clean the house a little bit. And get ready to go to the studio.

Yes, jisung refused to be at home all day doing nothing. He started teaching singing to kids last year with seungmin. He will forever be thankful to seungmin for helping him. He will take ryung with him all the time but sometimes Felix will take ryung with him. Today is one of those days.

Ryung loves Felix and so does Felix. But this day Felix got busy with his work and his possible wedding plans. It's good to assume felix is settling down in Australia after his wedding. So felix texted him asking to take ryung out and spend some time together.

Jisung is yet not ready to confront felix. He knows felix is right. He always is but he can't do anything. He is not ready to leave minho. And what if minho doesn't let him take ryung? What if he doesn't get custody of ryung?Minho is a well-known man with power, money, and fame. He will get whatever he wants. Jisung can't lose ryung yet. His world revolves around ryung.

Jisung was about to wake minho and ryung up but he met with a giggling ryung in minho's arm. He loves this time of the day very much. He wants to treasure every single second of their time together. He wishes he could stop time forever.

He also hates how Minho always acts as if nothing happened at night. They need to talk but minho is not willing to do it. They finished their breakfast together. Jisung washed the used palates. Help ryung put on her shoes. Minho asked to drop them off but jisung just ignored him. There is no point to talk with him.

Maybe deep down he wishes minho will apologize to him. But the reality is minho never does. He never care to make things right

Jisung drove off ryung to felix's apartment he avoid any types of conversation felix wanted to have. Felix always wants everything good for him. But he is not ready. Atleast not yet..


"I wish you were here,i know it's so selfish of me to think about you but i really miss you.
You left without saying anything.
I wish i could meet you again and tell you about everything" he let out a quite sob as he start shaking a little for crying so much.
"I even don't know if you even remember me" he chuckle a little bit for his misfortune.

Happy New year - star(≧◡≦) ♡

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