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It's feel nice to escape the reality and find serenity. It's fine to feel good even if it's for a little bit. It ok to just just stop thinking about what happened in past or what will happen after and enjoy the present.

Jisung feel like he find his peace when ryung is near him and when he is here in his studio,teaching everyone singing. That's what he love to do. Seungmin crushed him with a long tight hug when he saw jisung,telling him how he miss both him and his daughter.

When they finished for the day seungmin dragged them to nearby restaurant telling It's his treat for jisung's coming back. How can seungmin be one of the coldest person he knew and at the same the the loveliest person too?

While they were enjoying their food jisung got a text from minho asking where are they. He expected this text atleast a little bit earlier since last night he left a msg to changbin asking if he can tell minho to receive his calls. It took minho a whole morning to contact jisung. It's made him feel certain things. But again it's minho he is talking about.

There was a urge to never reply that text but he remember ryung's face when last night she asked about minho. He also remember he have to meet his bestfriend. Who was sounding oddly off yesterday. He don't know when he will get to meet him again. It's suck how he is unsure about his own life.

With all the floating words inside his head he forgot to reply minho which let him to get a call from minho instead. He declined the call instantly. He really don't want to ruin his mood by talking with minho and moreover not infront of seungmin or ryung. Who were now giggling while eating their dessert.

Jisung did replied minho, nothing unnecessary, just telling minho about where they are and not forgetting to tell he have to meet his bestfriend. Jisung really don't know where is sudden braveness came from but he want to be brave for once in his lifetime even though he know what his braveness will give him in return. He send minho a location of the current restaurant telling him if he wants to pick ryung up,he can.

Jisung never wants to ruin the releationship between them. Giving ryung a full family is something that he has been wanting for his lifetime. But the recent behaviour of minho got him feeling something else.

After biding seungmin goodbye they left the restaurant. They didn't need to wait much because minho was already there to get ryung. Minho was pissed off and jisung don't know why,maybe he do know but still minho is no one to control his life when minho himself can't keep his promises.

Ryung looks hurt when she saw she is the only one going with minho. And jisung almost felt guilty for not asking ryung if she wanted to go first with minho.jisung open the front door of the car. He help ryung to get in the passenger sit and fastened her seat belt.He give ryung a forhead kiss when he asked one in return ryung murmured "but i wanted to have both papa and dad together" she was looking at he lap fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. Jisung look up at minho who is looking straight infront he looks like he is avoiding jisung's gaze.

Jisung tried his best to put a smile on his face as he cupped her face making her to meet their eyes. Her eyes are sparkling with tears,one more words and she will be crying. "But munchkin,look at me,papa have to meet lixie uncle so that i can ask him to come to our house more with channie hyung" ryung rub her eyes with the back of her hand and nodded.

"Promise you will come back home before dad leave" she said holding out her pinky finger infront of jisung's face. He immediately hold her finger with his pinky finger promising her he will be there as soon as possible. This time she give him a kiss on his lips before leaving.

He stand there watching as minho's black car disappearing among other cars in the road. Ryung's words never left his mind. She sounds so hurt and all because off him

Jisung didn't infrom that he will come to visit him. But he did ask what he is upto today. It's almost Evening time and felix should be at his own apartment by now. Jisung decided to walk the way to felix's apartment. He just thought it will help him to fresh his mind. The road of seoul is as always busy but the area of felix's apartment is peaceful enough to scare normal people’s. It's a resident area for a reason.

He can't remember when was the last time he had alone time without ryung. It's good now but quited than it should be the absence of ryung's presence make him lose his breathe. He fished out his phone from his hoodie pocket and send minho a text which got a reply of ryung's eating candy floss. She is fine and jisung feels his breathe going back to it's normal form.

Felix was shocked when he saw his bestfriend. He was there standing and looking at his bestfriend's face  who was laughing at his reaction. "Oh,you won't let me in?" jisung said controlling his laughing. Felix realised he was standing his bestfriend and let him get inside.

Jisung just know coming here is one of the woanyone.cisions he have ever made when he sat infront of the two people people who is now looking at him. Both pairs of eyes looks surprised. He greet chan with a smile but he couldn’t bring himself to meet the other person's eyes. He look at his bestfriend who is standing beside him. Now he understand why felix was shocked to see him.

Why is he so nervous? This sure gonna bring back alot of memories bit jisung himself wanted it too. Maybe he was not expecting it to be this early.  Jisung was bring back to reality by chan's voice "You probably don't know him let me introduce him" lie i know him more than anyone.

It's me trying to update as much as possible before my last one brain cell get distroyed by the stress. Medical studies suck ikik

Plus guess who is about to make their entry into the story *laughs dramatically*

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Plus guess who is about to make their entry into the story *laughs dramatically*

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