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Spencer lies on a plush and very comfortable couch, deep in thought. He used to think that having a relaxation or meditation room at work was a dumb idea. But he realizes he was wrong. Having a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of work, if just for a few minutes, is really great. The soundproofed walls block most of the office noise, and the white noise generator masks the rest with the sound of a babbling brook. After a few minutes he half seriously considers asking if he can move his desk in here.

He still cannot understand what happened to his relationship with Cassandra. He must have done something terribly wrong, but he just can't think of what it might have been. Everything was great, and then suddenly, poof, it was over. As he lies there, he starts to think it may be time to put this behind him and go on with his life.

His thoughts are interrupted by a voice with a slight accent. "Hi, Spencer. I wondered where you were."

He looks up to see Pallavi sticking her head into the room. She looks at him. "Hey, why so down?"

He sits up and turns to put his feet on the floor. Pallavi walks over and sits next to him. He explains his woman troubles, finishing by saying, "if I didn't know better, I'd say that the universe has been keeping us apart."

"The universe? Come on, you think the universe would actually be trying to keep you two apart?"

Spencer shrugs. "Sounds crazy, I know, but it seems like no matter what I try someone or something keeps me from contacting her. It's like, I don't know–"

Pallavi suggests, "magic?"

"Yeah. Like I said, crazy."

"I think maybe you are getting a little paranoid?"

"You would be too if everyone was trying to break up your relationship."

"Look, Spencer, have you ever thought that if she really wanted to be with you she'd do anything to make that happen?"

He looks at her. "Gee, thanks. That's very comforting."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be blunt," Pallavi says, "but I hate to see you wanting so hard for this relationship to work when it looks like she may not want the same thing. I remember working with a young lady a few years ago who had a guy who was just smitten with her. He was always asking her out, stopping by her office to see how she was doing. She wasn't interested, but she never told him. She just tried to drop subtle hints."

"What happened."

"After several months he finally got the hint. But it wasn't a very pleasant experience for either of them. Maybe Cassandra doesn't want to hurt your feelings but hopes you will get the hint."

He sighs. "Could be. I know it's too late to save it, I just wish I could understand what I did–"

Pallavi interrupts. "Opps!"

Standing she blurts out, "gottarunlateforameeting, later."

He watches her rush out of the room. He wonders why she is in such a hurry to get to a meeting since she's famous for always arriving late.

He realizes he should be getting back to work. He stands and walks out of the room. He sees Pallavi at the far end of the corridor quickly turndown an aisle. He pauses for a moment and then heads in the opposite direction toward the snack room.

"I need something to get me going. I'll see what they have in the machines."

He walks with his head down, ignoring those walking toward him.

A familiar, slightly accented female voice says, "Hi, Spencer, how are you doing?"

He looks up as the person steps around him. "Oh, hi Pallavi. Okay I guess."

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