We've been idle for almost a month? DECEMBER!?

25 1 2

It was supposed to be a normal December for Void Squadron, however, some idiots decided attacking the giant fortress with several ace squadron's was a good idea.
"All Void Squadron elements, be advised, unknown aircraft approaching our mobile base, prepare for combat."

"Erūzen 1 launching, I'll hold them off while the rest prepare."

"Negative, you are- HEY! Erūzen squadron get in the air!"

"So this is where the so called 'ace squadron' is?"
"I dunno, all i know is they gunned down both ours and some osean birds."
"Yea- oh damn! One aircraft approaching, is that..it?"
"Are they that confident?"
-AWACS 'HighHelm'-
"No, that one's trying to delay us! Su-57's, sneak past, Su-47's, begin long range missile engagements, Su-30's keep them in check!"
"Phoenix squadron and Epsilon squadron engaging!"
"Draek squadron moving in, we'll make sure they cant pass in time."

"This is AWACS Voidwatcher, hostile AWACS confirmed, must be some elites. You know the drill Void Squadron, take them all down or it's considered failure. That includes the enemy AWACS! Don't forget."

"Erūzen 2 here, it seems they have Su-47's with long range missiles judging by formation, focus on those first."

"Any stealth jets?"

"No, i don't have any on RADAR so far, possible Su-57's."

"Erūzen 1, turn back now! You are not combat effective at this time!"

"Hostiles already know I'm here, if i ran it'd be a waste of a show wouldn't it then, eh?"

"Gott damn it Erūzen 1...all elements get to the sky, LRABM launching soon, so don't get too close to the enemy until the first one explodes."

"Void 1 to Void Squadron elements; do not fear the unknown, fear the arrogance and ego that clouds the minds of others to create such wars. Engage, and make these hostile aircraft fall from the so called 'grace' they had been given."
"Nice speech bud."
"Shut up and get ready."

"Hey is it just me or is a giant hatch on that thing opening?"

"Wait one...damn it! That's an air burst! Descend! Descend quickly!"

"Lowering altitude!"

A giant ORANGE explosion was seen in the sky, two Su-47's had been hit.

"We lost Epsilon 3 and 7!"

"Damn! Those were good pilots, do they even care about friendly fire!? That one F15 is still coming! And more with the same paint job just launched!"
"Is this...an ace filled aerial carrier?"
"Impossible! There hasn't been many wars besides.."
"1995, Belkan war. Wizard squadron might've had some survivors to pass on knowledge, don't underestimate them."
"Wiloc Phoenix 1..."

Erūzen 1 dived from above, launching several missile's toward Su-30's while speeding to the remaining Su-47's, in fact, he had been so fast that his support hadn't gotten any time to launch with him.
(A/N: Mihaly NO.)

And then, the link to this combat turned to black....
Perhaps it had been jammed, and our viewers couldn't see what happened in the battle.

Did Erūzen 1 live?
Did that pesky AWACS get shot down?
Will we ever find who messed with Void 1?

Will AWACS Voidwatcher stop throwing me in the brig- NO NO NOT AGAIN PLEASE I'VE BEEN GOO-

Think about your life choices in the brig.

-AWACS Voidwatcher.

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