An escort mission?

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(A/N: I hate the commander so I'm jamming his radio using the power called PLOT.)

"Void Squadron, we've got a Commander-Whats-His-Name being escorted, remember those convicts? If they succeed they won't be convicts, so make sure they do or you'll get the brig."

The squadron once again took off into the deep blue sky, who knew what was up there...

"This is Bandog, something seems to be jamming any radio the commander's not affecting us, so ignore it."

"Hey Trigger, how come I'm always stuck as the wingman or escort?"

"Fast mover approaching!"

"This is Skywatcher to Bandog, UAV, bearing 230, confirmed hostile."
"Thanks for the info Skywatcher, at least someone here isn't incompetent."
"Indeed, us AWACS have to stick together....Void Squadron, kill that UAV at any cost."

The unknown UAV sped past the transport, moving upwards...

"Damn, this thing just threw off my RADAR lock. Void 2 repositioning!"

"Void 3, moving in. This will definitely be fun!"
"You said it brother! Void 4, engaging!"

"Void 1, engaging the waste of matter."

A bright red laser barely clipped the edge of the UAVs right wing before it did a 45g turn,
It had even dodged the massive missile.

"Void 3, fox 3!"
Around 6 missiles missed the UAV
"Void 1, Fox 1."
This missile somehow hits the UAV.

| Osean Ground Unit |
"Holy shit, did that one just nail it with heat seekers?"
"That's an incredible display of skill!"
"No kidding Tommy."

"Void 3, fox 2!"
"Void 4, fox 3!"

The UAV tried to find a path to dodge both missiles, unfortunately, it could not.

"Void 1, TLS firing."

A bright red laser had been lined up by the time the UAV realized it failed dodging,
The result was the engine it had exploding.

"Good job Void Squadron, you took that down in record speed. Hell, that was barely three minutes!"
"Don't go giving them praise yet Count, they've yet to RTB without crashing."

"Have a little faith, Skywatcher. We always stick the landing!"
"Keep talking like that and I'll pull the E brake on that aircraft, Void 3."
"Did he just-"
"Don't worry, this is normal."

"Trigger, are you mute or anti social?"
"I think he's mute."
"Void Squadron, RTB."

Void Squadron had left mere seconds before Strider arrived unfortunately.
(A/N: over half of my hard mode playtime is in this one mission because of how incompetent the transport is. Also

Scav War.)

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