Father Dream

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An: this means in there though.

Dream grew up to fast

He understands that the world is cruel. At that point in time he was all alone with no one to be with him he lost everything. Someone took pity one this young boy and gave someone that can be with him. A child.

There it was a child crying so hopeless with no one to take it in they're arms and put to sleep. Dream took the same pity that someone gave to him. He took the child. The child had light brown hair and eyes so dark brown that they may as well be black. He would name him Zeke.

But with this gift of a child came something strange he seems to slow down on growing. At the age of 20 he look 17 and he felt as young as 17 but he knew that he didn't stop growing because when he hit 21 he look older and felt older

Time skip

Dream pov

I have just hit 36 but I look 21. It's almost my stars birthday. I promised that I would let him in the smp but, I'm not really like in the smp at the moment and I know that it will be dangerous to let him in because someone could kill him if they find out that he's my kid. Also I think that the smp is trying to put me in jail. What will I do, Zeke is a stubborn kid and he won't take no as a answer.

Welp can't think about that right now I have to meet with the rest of the smp.

But little dose he know that today is the last day he was a free man for the smp was putting him in jail.

"I here by say that dream is to live the rest of
his life here in pandora's vault."


"no Dream this is the end of you being a tyrant of this smp it's now the people's smp not yours." Tommy said.
With this the smp cheered as the tyrant was no more.

Dream pov

What about my boy what will he think about his father not showing up to his birthday. My star what will he think.

Why all I tried to do everything right for him and them but they didn't understand.

Time skip

Zeke pov

Where's father it's my birthday where is he? Did he leave me. He promised that he would let me see the smp...... he promised. I don't care I'm going to the smp no matter what. I'm lucky that dad would show me the edge of the smp.
Wow it's so beautiful why didn't he let in early. I see someone I decided that I should ask if they know where dad is.

"Hello"  "oh hello, what are you doing here you seem a little young to be here. Did Dream invite you here"
"Umm yes he did and that's why I came here I was told to come today but he didn't answer me"
"oh about that he in jail"
"WHAT why" I knew that the smp didn't like him but to put him in jail why..."
"Hey kid  you there"
"Oh yea sorry"
"As I was trying to say dream is a horrible tyrant that did very bad things."
"Ummm is there anyway that I can see him"
"Why do you want to see him"
"Umm so that I can talk about...... if I can still stay in the dsmp"
"Welp if you REALLY want to see him then you can go see if Sam the warden will let you see him"
"Umm ok bye"

Pov: no one's

As Zeke heads to the jail where his father is being held. He see someone outside so he goes to talk to him. "Umm hello I'm Zeke are you Sam."
"Yes I am why do you ask"
"So I wanted to see if I can see Dream I heard that he is being held here"
"Why yes he is being held here but why would a kid like you want to see him"
"Well l just wanted to see if I can still stay here"
"Umm ok you go and see him"

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