Old News, New Job

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Context: So essentially, you live in a motel. You're watching the news, but have heard the story before. You get a call from your bestie, Streber, he suggests working at Boys 'n' Grills, since you lost your previous job, and you decide you should work there.

Word count: 561 (Wow, that's more than I put on my assignments).

Warnings: Just a little stuff to do with murder, but that's about it.

Wasn't too sure how exactly to start this off, but if I get any ideas I'll edit it. I'm open to feedback and suggestions if anyone's willing to share. Hope you like it.

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"Breaking news!!" a woman's voice boomed from the TV. "Recently, the large man in a red sweater and devil mask has been seen roaming the streets once again, taking victims into allies and ruthlessly slaughtering them."

"Augh, this again?" you mumbled, mouth stuffed with cereal.

You've heard this story a few times now. Fat red guy with a devil mask who just so happens to be a serial killer. And a cannibal. How lovely. You placed your bowl on the table next to your phone, then laid your legs across the couch. Stretching and yawning, you placed your hands on your stomach.

You chuckled and said, "man, hope I don't cross his path. He would NOT be fun to deal with."

The news lady spoke again. This time it actually caught your attention, making you sit up, even though you'd just gotten comfy.

"We've heard from journalists and reporters that he's snuck into peoples homes, almost killing them with just a surprise visit!" she'd started. "Police strongly advise that you lock all doors and windows, especially at night when he's more likel-"

You cut her off by switching off the TV.

'As if I need to stress about that too,' you thought. 'College work and rent is already enough, and I'd just lost my job! Guess I'll just have to be especially careful when going out at night.'

You tapped your forehead with the TV remote. A moment of silence passed before your phone violently vibrated against the table and scaring you, making you pelt the remote across the lounge room. The batteries popped out and clinked against each other.

"Oh, c'mon" you grumbled. You swiped your phone and checked the contact. It was Streber.

"Hello?" you answered.

"Y/N! Hey, how's it going? I heard from your mum that you lost your job. Is that true?" he asked.

"Streber! I'm good and yeah, I quit. I got so sick of working at that stupid restaurant" you lied. You were actually fired.

You hated lying to him but you didn't want to explain how you lost your job. Your boss was a greedy prick and would always ask for so much out of you, even when you worked over hours. The whole joint was understaffed, and you were the only one in that restaurant that willingly put effort into anything, besides the chef of course.

"Man, sorry to hear about that. Your boss was horrible anyway" Streber continued.

There was a short silence between the two of you before Streber spoke up again.

"Hey! I've actually seen advertisements for a job opening at the butchers not too far from my place!" he beamed, you could feel his smile through the phone. "Yeah! I think it's called... uh.. Boys 'n' Grills? I think?"

"Huh, I don't think I've heard of that place before, Might check it out though... Thanks, Streber!" you said.

"No problem! Alright, I'll send you a link for the advertisement, and the number to contact the owner. I'll let you go now, see ya Y/N!"

He hung up, you groaned, but decided that this would be a good opportunity to fix things up a bit. The owners of the motel you live in have been extra generous with rent since you've been fired. And student loans will be a price to pay a lot later.

"Boys 'n' grills, huh? sounds like some kind of strip club, huhuh."

. . . . . .

Ah, I see you've made it to the end. Here, have this.

 Here, have this

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