Boys 'n' Grills

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Context: You're on the way to work to start your first day. You get nervous, shake it off, and head in, which is where you meet Bob, basically checking him out before you introduce yourself. He pulls you into a hall to get you a uniform before you get started.

Word count: 867 (Holy cow)

Warnings: Bobs fat ass. Probably some poor writing here and there (It's like, 2 am so shush)

Woo, second chapter.

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It'd been a week since you had called the owner of the butcher's shop. Surprisingly enough, for you at least, the owner was a very lovely older man, who desperately needed employees at his butchery, so he hired you practically immediately. Of course he asked for your details, such as name, age, phone number, etc.. All the essentials. He mentioned you'd have only one co-worker, who's name was Bob, who you'll get to know over time.

The owner had said that Bob would show you how to butch the meats and cook on the grills, but for the first few weeks of working there, you'd just be observing and cleaning. You thought it was a major bummer, you wanted to do all the fun stuff. But of course you had to do the same thing for your previous occupation. You didn't receive any help from your co-workers, or even proper instructions from your ex-boss, you had to everything on your own. This time will be a nice change.

"Uughh.... go away butterflies" you said to your stomach. You were overwhelmingly nervous.

You spoke to yourself in on the way to Grills & Boys. Saying, "what if my co-worker isn't there?", "how am I supposed to clean the place?" and "what if my co-worker doesn't like me?" were definitly not helping defuse the anxiety. You had taken a wrong turn at a light which made you slightly later than intended. But only slightly. The GPS directing you sure was a smug little  asshole.

Taking in deep and only slightly calming breathes, you finally made it to your new work place. You'd parked right next to the side walk. Your hands and knees shook as you removed the keys from the ignition, making them jingle. Sighing, you finally exited your car, closed the door, and locked it, hearing the beep sound as the lights flashed. You pat the roof of your little red bubble car then walked right up to the front door of Grills & Boys.

"Huh, it's like a cute little diner in there" you whispered to yourself. "I don't remember the owner telling me that..."

You walked through the door and heard a bell ring once it opened. It looked much nicer than from the outside. Surprisingly there weren't any customers just yet. Supposedly it's because the place had just opened.

"Oh wow!"

There was a glass case displaying different kinds of butchered meat. A great big menu board above a bunch of grills in a fairly small kitchen. The grills sat next to a small countertop with a coffee machine resting on it. Whilst observing the place, you noticed there was red pretty much everywhere. On the square tiles, on the booths, seats and tables, even the countertop where the cash register was red! 

'Damn. The owner must really like red.'

Your thoughts were interrupted by loud and heavy footsteps that echoed through the hall next to the kitchen, which you assumed led to where animals a chopped up and preserved in freezers. You started to tremble slightly. Not from fear, but more so from nervousness.

A very large, very TALL (and fat) man emerged from the doors of the hallway. You squinted to see his face. He looked extremely tired, there were massive bags beneath his eyes. He had fluffy black hair poking out from underneath a red cap that said 'Boys 'n' Grills'. He sported a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a blood red apron, which just so happened to be stained with blood. 

He stopped in front of the coffee machine, and started make himself a drink. You were surprised he hadn't noticed you but decided to keep studying him. By the looks of it, he had very large arms, presumably from all the butchering. Your eyes may have trailed down, to where you noticed his massive, quite toned ass. Your face heated up and you mentally slapped yourself.

You suddenly thought 'What the hell. You don't even know this guy! Calm down you nasty potato! He has to be Bob, right? ' 

You slowly approached the counter, noticed a bell, contemplated ringing it, then continued to ring it. Once. You immediately regretted that decision. The huge, FAT man grumbled and turned his head to see who rung the damned bell. He saw you, you both locked eyes, you almost immediately looked away. Before you had, you saw him smile a bit.

"Hey there! What can I do you for?" asked the fat man, with an ear to ear grin on his face.

He'd fully turned to face you and then rested a big ass, muscle-y arm on the countertop. Holy moly. You were certainly not expecting such a deep, raspy, southern-accented voice. 

'Do me for?' You bit your lip.

"Hah.. Hi! I'm Y/N. If you haven't heard, I happen to be a new employee here. I spoke with the owner and he said you'd show me the gist of things here?" you introduced yourself, sheepishly.

He thought for a second, then snapped his fingers. 

"Oh right! The boss told me a bit about you! I'm Bob! I'm sure he told you already. For sure I'll show you how to do things 'round here, but first, we need to get you a uniform! Follow me."

Bob Velseb x (F) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now