Burgers and Suspicions

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Context: Bob gets you a uniform, you become suspicious of his creepy smile, and business kicks up a bit after you change. Bob ends up teaching you to do fun stuff instead of boring cleaning and stuff, which makes you excited to work.

Word count: 743

Warnings: The word "fuck", mentions of blood, German cursing and twink ass nicknames.

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Bob walked out of the kitchen to the hallway doors. You then followed suit. He opened the door and held it for you gesturing you to walk past, and you complied. He stepped ahead of you and told you to wait where you were. He went off to grab a uniform from an office.

'He's much more gentlemanly than I expected..' your thoughts visited you once again. 'I've got a weird ass feeling about him though... he seems pretty familiar, but I don't think I've met him before.'

Looking further down the hall, you noticed those clear, plastic, vertical curtains, like you see in warehouses. Taking a further glance you noticed a large pig hanging on a hook. You remembered seeing that when the owner of the place gave you a little tour to show you where you'd work. Seeing that pig last time creeped you out at first, it being dead and all its insides removed. Not the prettiest sight. Switching your gaze to the right you saw two bathroom doors. One labeled 'Men' and the other, 'Women'.

'Now that I think about it, I kinda need to pee.. guess I'll do that before I get changed'

You looked back to the hall and saw Bob absolutely TOWERING over you with a small grin planted on his face.

After jolting backwards you internally cursed 'bloody shiza!!' 

You didn't even hear his footsteps! Just how distracted were you?

"Oh! Sorry 'bout that, Darl', didn't mean to frighten you (Or did he)" apologised Bob.

A shiver crawled up your spine. His voice was just so deep.

He handed you the uniform and pointed towards woman's bathroom. You whispered a couple "thank you's" then headed into the bathroom. Funnily enough, you were expecting some of the restroom to be coated in red somewhere. There wasn't any red at all, which makes it slightly less humorous since you are in the woman's bathroom. You chuckled to yourself at that thought.

After finishing your business and getting dressed you exited the stall and checked yourself out in the mirror. Turns out Bob accidently grabbed a uniform a size smaller than you were. The shirt hugged your waist and you couldn't even start on how tight it was on the bust. It made your chest look bigger than it already was! The cap sat on your head just fine, at least that fit just right.

"Well..." your voice quietly echoed through the room. "Guess I'll just deal with this for now. Let's hope shirt and apron don't strangle me to death."

With that, you grabbed your original and headed to the office Bob grabbed your uniform from. You planned on leaving clothes in there until you had to leave.

'His creepy grin is familiar, too. It's.. almost a replica of that crazy devil guy. But, Bob himself seems nice, and he's been helpful so far since meeting him. Maybe I'm just going a little over my head.' 

Once your clothes were put away, you jogged to the kitchen. The pants were super tight on your thighs and butt, which made it pretty hard to move your legs at all. You'll have to speak to Bob about getting a bigger uniform.

Since getting dressed and arriving to the kitchen, there were quite a lot of customers, a fair few of them were lined in front of the glass case. 

'This place is so much calmer than that old ass restaurant. Good fuckin' riddance.'

"Y/N! Get your butt over here! You have customers you gotta help me serve!" a voice announced to you.

The fat man. He was practically hovering over the grills, spatula in one hand, the other inviting you over.

You gently scratched your neck. "O-oh hah, coming sir!" you said speed walking over to him

A pleasantly surprised look arose on Bobs face. "Sir? No need to be so formal darlin'! Get 'ere! Imma teach you how to grill patties!" He spoke happily.

"Aren't I supposed to just clean an observe for the first few weeks being here though?" you recalled to him.

"Yeeeaah, the boss told me 'bout that but I thought that maybe for your first day, you'd enjoy something a little more fun! So here we are! Now. grab a couple of those patties on the grills for me, won't you?"

You eagerly nodded several times, almost sending your cap flying. Complying, you threw two patties on the grill and snatched a spatula.

'This job is so much better. Maybe this guy isn't as strange as I thought he was.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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