The letter

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Three days after the her move, Taehyung gained consciousness and her name was the first thing that left his mouth.

Soon after, he was discharged from hospital to continue recovery from home. And as promised by bang pd, Minji delivered Annie's letter to him silently.

The boys were also there at that time, so they went to Taehyung and asked him what's in the letter,
maybe Annie told him where she is, so as to get away from sasaengs.

Taehyung silently read the letter and went numb. Staring straight at the wall in front of him.

Taehyung's pov

She broke up with me.........she left me.......alone.....

I saw Jimin shaking me up a little, moving hands in front of my face, but i couldn't react anymore.

My letter was in Namjoon hyung's hands, it may have fell from mine. He's reading it, I don't want him to read this letter and judge her.

She would never do this, never leave me. Its fake. The letter is fake. But then....where is Annie? Why didn't she come to me?

"She left guys " i heard Namjoon hyung say.


"What are you saying hyung?"

"She broke up, she said she was with me because I'm from BTS and she wanted fame. But she isn't like that. We know that .........Annie's not like this." I said or maybe told them what they already knew.

It was my voice, but i didn't even recognize it myself. It was so rough and the tears in my eyes didn't help my throat anyway.

"But where did she go, and she left everything behind" Jungkook thought loudly.

"She left for him. I think she left because of the accident. She probably got scared. For Taehyung,  for her." Yoongi hyung reasoned.

"But - it was not her fault hyung. Why would she leave me. Didn't she trust me that I'll keep her safe. Didn't she love me.", but this time my throat was feeling like thorns struck in there.

I was broke.
She left me.
She didn't trust me.

"No taehyung, she did love you. We all have seen you both. She loved you as much as you did Tae."

"No she didn't, she thought i won't be able to protect her from my own fans. She thought I'm so weak that i can't show her to the world. " i was angry by now.

"Maybe we were never meant to be, hyung

Maybe its for the better. Another lesson like Jiyeon.

Everyone is the same selfish one."

Namjoon hyung shook me, "Taehyung are you even listening to yourself, you're comparing Annie to her? Try to understand her too tae. "

"Ya yaa, i understand.  That afer all promises ,she left me in the end.
I i understand hyu hyung.....i understand.
Then I'll respect her decision hyung.......she wants to leave me, she wants to end it ? Then so be it. I won't find her. I'll focus on my career only."

"But Taehyung......."

By then i was ready to leave the house. And i went to my studio.


Guys, i don't know what to say.
Tbh, i understand taehyung's anger qnd resolute in this. Do you think it was right?

One more thing i want your opinion on. Actually this story is getting hard and harder to write and i have some new ideas.
So should i start another fan fiction????????

Pleaseeeee reply to that.

Also I'm so sorry i don't update this very often. I know i promised i will. Its in my block phase rn. Sorry .

Thanks MuskanJain779 for reminding me.

And thankyou so much all my readers for supporting and reading this story. I started it as to sort my own thoughts but it became so beautiful over time. I just love it and i hope you do too.

love yourself 💜

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