[Chapter 3.2 - Fucking hell...]

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"... It is because I chose you to assist the Legion Alfeim in helping the Ryuto Girls' Academy which was being besieged by one of the currently existings Ultra-Class Huge, Fafnir, as we speak."

The time inside the room seemed to stop along with Shijima after the acting chairman finished his words. After a few seconds, the reincarnated Lily finally rebooted up and exclaimed. 

"Excuse me for my rudeness but, I don't think I'm suitable enough for this operation."

Shijima said with a look of seriousness on her face which surprised Shinobu who witnessed it for the first time, since she either always wear a smile or a blank look on her face everytime.

"What makes you think that, Shijima-kun?"

"Unlike the members of Alfeim here, my skills are not in the level where I can contend with multiple Huges at once. Yes, I may have a few special subskills that only I have but I don't think it can help me surive the siege of multiple large-type Huges." Shijima calmly answered not breaking the seriousness in her face while inwardly thinking, 'Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkking helllllll, I don't want to face an Ultra-class Huge again!!!'

"Is that so? But then how can you explain this record..." Kogetsu replied as a large orange holographic-like transparent screen showed up behind him with the words Odaiba Interception Records written as the headline and a table which have the name of the Lilies and the number of Huges they have killed are listed. And what was listed in the very first line surprised everyone in the room aside from Kogetsu and Shijima.


[1. | Shijima Tokugawa | Approximately over 250+ Huges Killed | Solo]

"What in the world...?" Shinobu uttered in surprise at the short girl's records, while the other girls in the room are frozen in shock at the unbelievable sight in front of them. Even Amano Soraha, the current captain of Alfheim, who was part of the said battle couldn't believe what was in front of her.

"This is an official record and cannot be falsified, Shijima-kun."

"Tokugawa-san...?" Soraha whispered looking at the girl in question who was looking at the list with a blank look on her face. A few seconds later the girl sighed and muttered, "Fine, I accept the mission... but on one condition, Takamatsu-sama."

The girls snapped back into reality when they heard the words of the purplish white haired girl, while Takamatsu just put his chin on his hands curious to what she will request from him.

"What is it, Shijima-kun?" Kogetsu asked also voicing out the curiosities of the people inside his office. Shijima took a deep breath before answering without a slightest hint of hesitation on her words.

"I don't want any credit to fall into my name, is that all right, Takamatsu-sama?"


This time, aside from Shijima, everyone was frozen out of shock. How can someone be this selfless? They thought. Amongst the reasons why many Lilies fights, gaining popularity is one of the top reasons on why they defend people against the Huges. Majority also became Lily voluntarily because they truly want to take back the land stolen by the Huges from humanity and yet this girl's reason to fight seems to be different from them.

"May I ask why, Shijima-kun?"

"Fu... It's because I hate standing out, that's all." Shijima answered without a second thought and a hint of lie on her words.


"Is that really all, Shijima-kun?" The acting chairman asked, still dumbfounded at the unusual request he received.

"Yes, it is because..."


Now in a different room, everyone could be seen standing in the middle of a long futuristic table with a computer-like screen on top of it. After the meeting with the chairman they met with the two girls from Ryuuto who asked Yurigaoka for their assistance. On the screen, the word Fafnir was displayed largely.

"Before I send you to Ryuuto, I will give you everyone first a brief review about the Ultra-class Huge, Fanfir." Shinobu said while holding a tablet in her hands and standing beside a large holographic-like transparent screen. Tapping something on her tablet, the screen on the table and the ones beside her suddenly displayed an image of a western dragon with a cyan-colored light on its body.

"This is Fafnir, one of the currently existing Ultra-Class Huges, in the world. It is a named after a Dragon in the Norse Mythology called, Fafnir, and just like the other Ultra-class Huges it has the ability to create a Nest and produce smaller type Huges on its body." Shinobu informed which caught the attention of Shijima who listened to it attentively along with the members of Alfeim.

"Approximately two days ago, the Fafnir, woke up from its slumber and started rampaging in the area of Ryuuto Girls Academy and have already caused multiple casualties." Shinobu continued while clenching her fists, the Lilies who were listening have now a serious look on their faces including Endo Araya.

"The reason Yurigaoka have granted your request to help Ryuto Girls Academy subjugate Fafnir, because we believe in you, Amano Soraha and your legion Alfeim which was filled with S-Rank lilies along with Tokugawa Shijima, can put an end to the rampage and the life of this mindless beast." Shinobu bowed at the girls in front of her as she finished the briefing about the threat they are about to face.

"You can count on us, Shinobu-sama." Soraha answered confidently with the members of Alfeim nodding at her statement.

"I will try my best to help as well," Shijima added with a small smile on her face because she knows that no one will know her contributions on the battle. Hearing Shijima's words, Soraha smiled too before walking towards the shorter girl.

"Thank you for accepting the mission, Tokugawa-san!" The blonde-haired girl said and suddenly pulled Shijima into a hug which caused her to blush furiously and earn a glare from Soraha's cute Schild. Feeling the dangerous stare she was getting from Egawa Kusumi, Shijima awkwardly returned the hug.

"We will give you 30 minutes of preparation, the meeting is adjourned." Shinobu said while looking at the tablet in her hands.

"Roger!" All the Lilies involved in the battle replied.


On the chairman's office, Kogetsu stood beside the glass wall contemplating about the answer Shijima gave him.

"Popularity only gives birth to jealousy and hatred, it can also detach me from the world I have been living to. That's why I don't want to stand out, Takamatsu-sama. I just want...to be a normal human and live with the friends I have made in this life."

"...'This life' huh... I wonder what do you mean by that, Shijima-kun..."

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