Camp Hope

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Camp Hope


            These days you see middle schoolers with babies, parents burring their teenage children way to early. Kids believe they are invincible and all TV and music does is encourage the destructive behavior. Sixth graders are drinking and eighth graders are doing drugs. The teens these days are lazy, loud mouth, and rude. Manners, respect, kindness, and all these the generations before had no longer remains.

            Now days teens like to live by a thing called, YOLO. YOLO is a stupid thing evened to give teens the excuse to do stupid things. You only live once, YOLO. Let’s get drunk off our ass, YOLO. Let’s do some drugs, YOLO. Let’s take the pills from our cabinets and take a bunch of them, YOLO. Let’s have sex, YOLO. Let’s do stupid, stupid stuff, YOLO. Teens are using YOLO as an excuse to do stupid things that can kill them.

            Here’s a new on for you YODO. You only die once. You want do something stupid? Then you want to use YOLO as your excuse for being stupid? Remember though, that you only die once. You may have plenty of almost death experiences, but there are only so many of those and then you will die.

            The generation today is awful and we wonder why 13 year olds are having babies? Why 15 year olds are over dosing? Why teens are killing others and themselves in drink driving accidents? Why is this stuff happening? Simple, because shows with a curse word ever line and shows that are being called reality, with people getting drunk, doing drugs, sleeping around, and being bad examples. Then, you have songs about partying, having sex, getting drunk, getting high, and saying all the wrong things. MTV now is no longer all music and TV shows feel the need to have cursing or they won’t sell.

            This is what is happening to our world today. When teens are bad, some have parents who care and want them to change, when things like that happen they get sent somewhere else to get help. Someone has to help them. I want to be that someone. You cannot cure stupidity, but you can help it.



This is my new side project i just needed to write this because of having writing block on Love is Blind!!

For any Love is Blind fans it will be updated tonight!!

Let me known what you think of this.

It is going bemy side project, one of many.

Alright off i go now!!

I love you all!!

Thank you anyone who reads!!

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