Chapter 4 - Two witches

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The reindeer was so fast that in just a few minutes, they have arrived to the Kingdom of the Snow Queen. The reindeer then stopped at a funny-looking house and Nene hopped off, Nene then went inside and a witch was living in that house.

 The reindeer then stopped at a funny-looking house and Nene hopped off, Nene then went inside and a witch was living in that house

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'Hello there, Nene-chan. Did you bring the magic mirror with you?', said the witch.

Nene was surprised, as she couldn't understand how did the witch knows about her name or the mirror she brought with, but nevertheless, Nene took out the mirror, 'Yes I did, uhh...'

'You can call me Shizuku,' said the witch.

'Shizuku-chan!- Eh? Who are you?', said another witch. It turns out there are actually two witches in that house.

 It turns out there are actually two witches in that house

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'I'm Nene, and you?', replied Nene.

'I'm Minori, and she is my teacher, but she lets me call her Shizuku-chan instead of Hinomori-sensei,' said Minori.

'Oh, a teacher and a student, that's cute,' added Nene.

'You don't need to be worried around us, we're the good type of witches!', added Shizuku.

'Well that's a relief,' said Nene, 'So I'm going to defeat the Snow Queen with this?', said Nene as she holds the mirror.

'Well, I have a lot that I need to tell you, both the mirror and the Snow Queen, so please have a seat,' offered Shizuku.

The three of them went to a table from the inner part of the house and sat down, then Shizuku starts telling Nene about the mirror she brought with and the Snow Queen's true identity.

'Nene, this mirror is actually a magic mirror, it only tells the truth,' explained Shizuku.

(Nene's mind: Woah, I never knew my grandma treasured something enchanted...)

'Alright, but how should I use this information to my advantage?', asked Nene.

'Before I tell you how to defeat her, I need to tell you her backstory...', Shizuku then starts to explain.

Before the Snow Queen became the Snow Queen, she was once a happy girl where flowers blossoms wherever she goes, and her eyes shine as bright as the sun, her name was Mafuyu.

Before the Snow Queen became the Snow Queen, she was once a happy girl where flowers blossoms wherever she goes, and her eyes shine as bright as the sun, her name was Mafuyu

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However, everyone else around her thought she was a witch, so the kids refuse to play with her, or even speak to her. And one day, she made a wish:


'Using her magic, she made a giant ice castle, and grew up without any love or happiness,' then Shizuku explains how Nene can defeat her, 'Whatever you do, under any circumstances, do not kill her, only kill her evil thoughts, hold the mirror in front of her and it will tell her who she really is.'

'One last important thing: The only thing that can beat evil is love,' added Shizuku.

'Thank you, Shizuku,' replied Nene.

'You can do it!', exclaimed Minori.

'Thank you too, Minori,' replied Nene.

Nene waved goodbye and walked to the ice castle.

The Tale of Two Childhood Friends - Ruinene [Childhood Friends/Fairytale AU]Where stories live. Discover now