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My head hurt as hell after the third fight with Will in the day. Oh. Fucking Conor Styles. 

Wait... What did you just said?

You don't know who Conor Styles is? My brother.


I think I have to tell you....

There ain't just two Styles kids. There are more- much more. There are seven Styles kids- no, wait. Lucas is d- d- d- dead. 

Fine. I said it. 

Lucas died being seventeen years old. So now... we are just six. If you don't count our step-brother, William, who is three years or so younger than me.

The only Styles kid known here is Harry Styles, the famous popstar of the band One Direction, and Gemma, his older sister. Well, we weren't allowed to say to the world that Harry wasn't alone... there were three of them. Harry, Edward -Ed- and Zacary -Zac- were triplets, and because they look so much like Harry no one ever knew about them. But when Ed created an instagram account, everything went from bad to worse. He and Zac were reavealed to the world... and also Conor. 

Pancakes. At least Lucas and I were intelligent enough for not making accounts ourselves. And then, William came in. That idiot little boy, when he was about twelve or eleven, he created one himself. I scolded him; I was fifteen by that time, and still hadn't any Instagram accounts. But no, my stupid step-brother changed his last name to Styles and pretented he was another kid of Des Styles and Anne Cox. 

Oh, well, I couldn't blame him! His father abandoned him and mum when she was still pregnant, so she had to raise Will all alone... well, we girls cared about him. 

Anyway, that wasn't the point. 

Instagram. Pancakes. That single app changed our lives. 

After William, everybody knew that Lucas existed. 

And everybody knew he was dead. 

Six months a car accident...he was drunk...he was just seventeen!

But they never found out about me. They never knew that there was another girl apart from Gemma, that there was still me. Emily Styles, Harry Styles's little sister. 

After every single fan in the world knew the name of Lucas Styles...

I escaped. Changed my name, my life. 

For god, I was just seven! 

I went away. Ran away. Because of that jerk. 

That idiot of brother I had. 

Because... of ...Harry Styles. 

I remember that day clearly as if it was just yesterday... was a nice, warm, summer day...we were in Harry's room, playing...

"Shut the hell up, Harry!" I yelled. 

"Never!" he shouted back. 

I gritted my teeth. I wouldn't cry because of that jerk. "Fine." I snapped. "Then go back with that girlfriend of yours and go to bed like mom and dad used to."

That caught him off guard. I was just a seven years old while Harry, my older brother, was almost twelve by now. He knew about those kind of... 'relationships' much better than I did, although I have heard Gemma, my sister, talk about stuff like that with her boyfriend. Yep. I was very mature for being that young... Wait, what?! No, I wasn't mature. Not at all when I talked to Harry. He was just... too annoying to be truth. 

"What did you just said?" anger filled the room where Harry and I were playing in a few minutes ago. I started to tremble, and stepped backwards without even noticing. "What. Did. You. Say?!" Harry Styles, that a few minutes ago was the sweetest brother a girl could have in the world, was about to hit me. And I knew it would be painful. And that I would cry. 

"N-n-nothing." I stammered. 

Harry hit me in my stomach. I was lacked of air for some seconds. I tried to grab whatever was near me, trying to breathe. Finally, I stopped fighting again that horrible feeling of being drowning, and started to breathe uncontrolably. I noticed Harry wasn't in the room...

...and that the door was closed. "Pancakes." I muttered under my breathe. 

Don't make fun of me. I was just seven years old then, but I still curse 'Pancakes' instead of 'hell' or 'fuck'. 

I tried to force the door, but it was locked. Harry had locked it from the outside, but I could bang it until either Gemma or mom heard me... but neither of them were home now. They left Harry to take care of me while they were somewhere in the supermarket or something like that. Or that's what I heard them say. Zac, Ed, Lucas and Conor were outside at some football match, and that idiot of four-year-old step-brother I had, Will, wouldn't even think about obeying me. He watched every single move Harry made, as if he were some kind of god or something. 

I looked around Harry's room. 

Yeah, my own brother locked me in his room. 


He hates me being in his room.

I pictured that he had his own secrets to keep. I mean, if any of my SEVEN siblings started to go inside my room without even asking first, I would freak out. Harry always wanted to know what I had in my room, but he never made it. Hopefully, he-


I heard the door of the room next to this one close rudely.

Oh, no. Harry just entered my room.


I started to punch the door, until someone opened. I hurried to go outside when I saw that Harry was standing just in front of me, with something in his hands. Oh, no. Pancakes. My diary. My secret diary. He was about half in my diary, when he looked up and smirked. "You have a crush on my best friend? Can I tell him?" he asked. 

"No!" I snapped at him. 

His smirk grew bigger and bigger as he read my diary. I started to hit him, to yell at him, but just one of his glares made me shut up. "So, if he wouldn't be your would date any of us? Including Conor, Luc, Zac, Ed, Will, Gem-"

"Ew, no! I don't date girls!" I shouted. Well, I knew what was 'dating' when I was younger. I kind of...learned all of this from my older siblings. They were just so stupid. "And I would never date you. You are disgusting, a total jerk-"

"Shut up" Harry ordered. 

Frightened, I shut my mouth, scolding myself. Harry was the scariest when he was angry. He's got actually very bad temper and he is very loud when he shouts. And it is scary, even Zac and Ed are scared of him. Although they aren't too different from each other. 

"Do you mind...taking care of Will while I got over at Nick's?" he asked. 

I shook my my head. "Never."

Harry cuckled and smirked. He got over to me, pushed me and slapped me in the face. I gritted my teeth for no crying: I was proud of being a Styles. "Leave, me, Emily." he said, leaving me alone on the floor. He turned around and I heard the front door closing. 

I mid-closed my eyes. I couldn't believe it..

...I had to go.

You can imagine what happened after that. I changed my name. I changed my life. And nothing ever stood in front of me and freedom again.


Ok Guys, that was just the prologue :) I hope you like it! This is my n e w story, The Secret Styles... idk why I named it like that lol ;) Well, please vote and comment, lova ya!

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