1. Three Harry Styles

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The Secret Styles

Chapter 1. Three Harry Styles.

Jade's POV

"Do you mind if I change the song?" I asked my dad. 

He turned to look at me, and shrugged. "I thought you liked One Direction, Jade."

I groaned. "I hate them."

When eight years ago I escaped from Holmes Chapel, I cut all the forms of communications with my family. I discovered many places I didn't knew before, going through the woods and through valleys, just eating berries and apples. I had been hungry for days, I lost much more weigh but anyway I knew I had to continue. Finally I found a small city, and then some guys got me and put me in the orphanage. Some marriage adopted me, a year later, and here I was, a totally normal fifteen-years-old girl. None of my adoptive parents knew about my true family, or why did I hated One Direction. Because I wanted a totally new life. I changed my name from Emily Styles to Jade Parker, I went to a excellent school, and no one even asked where did I come from. 

My dad rolled his eyes. He always was more than a dad to me than my biological dad... I mean, the divorce was when I was just three years old...so I couldn't really say anything because I didn't even remember him. "Really, love, you always say those things. I mean, those guys have tal-"

"I just don't like them. I prefer Taylor Swift." I said, saying the total truth. I loved her; I mean, who didn't! She was gorgeous, I loved her eyes, and she always mocked and bothered Harry. I always shipped Haylor...because the-one-who-was-my-brother-before seemed unhappy. 

I remember watching the Grammys and how I liked when Taylor started to mock Harry. Well, I mean, he was my older brother... was. I was no more part of the Styles Family. They were idiots, jerks...all except maybe Lucas. He was really cool and I liked him. Why am I thinking about the Styles?! 'Idiot you, Jade' I scolded myself. 

My dad parked in the parking lot. I got my backpack, kissed him on the cheek and waved goodbye. Then I headed to the living hell called school. 

I'm not like other girls, anyway. I loved getting in problems, and I'm clearly the girl of ninth grade who always gets in more problems that boys never would dare. I mean, it ain't much problem, once I got detention because I stole some food from the teacher's lounge. However, I always drag my friends along to my crazy ideas so I'm not lonely at detention. 

"Hey Jadey Lazy Crazy Bestie I have." my bestest best friend since I ever stepped this school, Melissa, squealed at me. She always greeted me like that, and believe me, after eight years it comes to be actually annoying. Well, first she was always with "Hey Jadey." and then she started to add more and more words. 

I glanced at her. "I don't like you to start that again, Mel."

She chuckled. "Whatever, Jadey."

I rolled my eyes, and we rushed inside the building where class already starting. When we reached our class, we shoved our bags in our lockers, got out our books and notebooks and raced to English class. Hopefully, the class still didn't start,,,, We had bad luck. The door was closed and we could hear the constant sound of the teacher talking. 

I opened the door and I could feel every single kid in the class staring at us, standing like idiots next to the door. I could feel the tension and the total silence I broke. The teacher, Miss Johnson, was staring at us, with an angry look on her face. "Oh, Jade Parker, Melissa Walker, I'm glad you came to school today."

Melissa blushed. "I'm sorry, Miss Johnson, we were-"

"I don't care." Miss Johnson said coldly, and Melissa's cheeks turned deep red color, and she headed to her seat next to a redhead boy named Isaac. 

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