31| Third Wheel

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I impatiently stood behind the door. I sighed and knocked again.


"Come on you can't lock me out forever," I sighed frustrated.



It was starting to feel like some Anna and Elsa shit.

"Quinn please just let me in." I've been trying to get Quinn to open her door since yesterday when I saw her come in with a tear-stained face but she just ignored my words and went straight to her room and has locked herself inside since.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and looked back to see Kenna.



She sighed. "How's she doing?"

"She has locked herself in there and refused to come out. Do you have any idea of what may have happened?"

She shook her head and licked her lower lips. "I hope it's not because of Ace because I would literally kill him."

Just as I was about to reply the door opened and a stranger stepped outside with a smile plastered on her face. Her curly hair was more curly and bouncy than ever, her makeup was done perfectly with a bright red bloody lip gloss.

What the hell.......

"Speak," Kenna said through gritted teeth.

"What?" She laughed and walked past us with her heels clicking on the marble floors. Her red gown which was matching her lips stuck to her body like a second skin.

"What? You walked in yesterday looking like you had just gone through five heartbreaks or something," I said as we both followed her down the stairs.

"Don't exaggerate sweetheart."

"Quinn," Kenna breathed and stopped her from walking any further. "Please talk to us, tell us what happened. Was it something that had to do with Angus? Did you have an attack?"

"I honestly have no idea of what Xenia was talking about." She deadpanned and forced a smile at me.

She was trying to avoid the matter. I know my sister. She always refused to accept that she was weak, she always had to put up a wall to block that side of her from the world. That was a given considering her being a celebrity. I just wished she could open up more.

Kenna ran her hands through her hair with a frustrated sigh and bit her lower lips. "When are you going to stop doing this? Pretending like you're okay when you know you're not?" She asked under her breath.

"I'm not pretending." Quinn rolled her eyes and scanned her phone. Her face lit up, "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go for a commercial shooting."

She left.

"She'll come around. Do you have any idea of what might have happened?" I asked Kenna.

"I can pick up anything."

After a while, Kenna left and I was left home alone. The maid and cook had gone for a break two days ago and would be back in the evening. My mum and dad had both gone to whatever business they had.

My phone beeped from a call while I was serving myself a plate of eggs and toast. It was Myra.

"Hey," I mumbled as I balanced the phone between my shoulder and ear while trying to serve myself a cup of orange juice.

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