26| A little reunion

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I watched as she took a sip of the purple tea I placed before her. She nodded and said, "Oh, look the color is actually purple," She laughed and I laughed nervously.

We had gone back to my apartment. Apparently, she came to New York because she had some issues to attend to. And since Ace has his apartment occupied by two people already she invited herself to stay at mine.

I clearly remember her saying, "Oh I'll just stay at Quinn's." So causally. And as stupid as I am my tongue was tied and I just smiled at her while my feet got sweaty.

I've heard stories about her, when we were young she ruled Canada. She had warehouses, districts, buildings everywhere. She was so powerful because she came from an influential family and married into another family just like hers. She became Mrs. Winston and if possible her power rose more. It went on like this until her son died and daughter-in-law disappeared. She vanished into thin air. Just like that no one ever heard from her again. Her husband managed all her business and they were all in his name. The media kept quiet about this strange occurrence and the Winstons promised to sue anyone who spreads any false news about the matter.

It was too suspicious to ignore all these things happening all at once. But no one dared to speak of it.

And here she was, the mystery herself. Sipping my favorite tea and her eyes wandering around my apartment. "You have a lovely sense of decoration."

I was seated beside her. We had been in the same position since when we arrived. It was beyond awkward. I was never awkward with anyone but she... She took away all the sense of superiority I felt. "Ah... Um... Yeah. It's in my blood." I giggled anxiously.

Good thinking Quinn.

I gritted my teeth at my words and let out a breath. Ace was on the phone with Carl about something I had no idea of. They had been talking for over twenty minutes now. I prayed so hard for him to get off the phone and get his ass here.

"So how did you meet my grandson?"

I froze. I blinked a few times and saw her grey eyes studying me softly. Was I supposed to tell her that I had no idea who her son was and hated him when I first laid my eyes on him or tell her a lie about how we meet when he saved me from falling from the stairs, we stared into the eyes of each other and fell in love?

"You're an actress and he's been dating around and recently just starting working. I'm beyond curious about how you two very opposite worlds came across each other."

My answer to her question would either make her like and trust me or detest me and hate me. She seemed like the type to easily read people and I could tell she sensed my nervousness. Just at that time, Ace came back to the room and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hey." He said and sat across us, making himself at home. "I just got off the phone with Carl, apparently the old man is on his way here." He muttered as he unloosened his tie.

The old man? His grandfather?!

Oh shit. To my apartment?? I'm about to witness some major family drama here.

"Oh is he?" Mrs. Winston chuckled and took a sip of her tea. "It's been so long since I've seen our old man. It's been about eight years right? Funny of him to show his face to me on the day I arrive in the city."

"We can leave now if you don't want to see him," Ace perked up with a serious expression on his face.

"I've waited way too long for this to leave now."

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