48| From me to you

185 14 26


It's been three days.

Three days since I last saw him or heard of him, well since I last heard of anyone. I had locked myself in my room and restricted any form of life. I had my doors locked, the lights off and the curtains shut. The only thing that had entered my body to keep me going was the pack of water beside me on my bed.

I ran out of tears, out of the will to even breathe. I had spoken to God a million times telling him to take me, I was exhausted. I was lost. I didn't know what to do or think. I made myself distant from the real world hoping for this to all be a dream.

The thoughts of all the moments I had with Angus flashed through my mind, followed by the thoughts of the moments with Ace. I was stuck in a real loop. Was I a bad person for wishing to be with Ace? A bad person whose heart was longing for the one who caused her brother his life?

The tears strolled down the side of my face and my lips quivered. I asked myself, if I knew this would all happen would I still have agreed to the dating proposal on that day? Would I still have let myself fall for him? Would have still have let him into my heart and soul?

And the answer was yes, I love him so much that it hurt to imagine we never happened.

My eyes moved to my phone on the side table. Has he called? Did he try to reach me? I folded my hands into a fist to stop myself from reaching for the phone.

A loud bang on my door interrupted my thoughts and my hands flew to my chest in shock. I slowly sat up as another continuous banging erupted.

"Quinn, open up!" Kenna's urgent voice came through the door as I stumbled on my own feet trying to get to the door.

I groaned as I ran my hand through my hair trying to get up again. My whole mind was crammed and my feet felt like I attached sandbags to them.

"Quinn please it's urgent," Xenia's voice came next and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

What could have happened for both of them to come so urgently?

I finally grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, letting them in. Both of their expressions dropped when they saw the state I was in and the state my room was in.

"Oh my God, what happened?" Kenna questioned as she held my arm and led me to my bed while Xenia switched on the dim light in the room. I let her lead me mainly because I was way too weak to fight back.

Oh, that's right, neither of them knew the truth about Angus's death yet.

"I have to tell you guys something," I blurted as Xenia sat on my other side. They both looked at me warily.

"We have to tell you something," Xenia said.

"No no, whatever it is. Mine comes first."

"Ace was arrested," Kenna said without warning.

My mind was suddenly a dice that couldn't stop rolling and my mouth let out a soft breath. My eyes squinted due to the way I was trying to control my emotions. How did that happen? What could have gone wrong? Was in pain at that moment? Was he feeling lonely?

"Why?" My breathy voice spoke and Kenna gave my hands a light squeeze.

"They found evidence that he was guilty of the attempted murder of his grandfather," she said with so much venom in her voice that I knew that she didn't agree with their investigation.

So did I. There was no way Ace did that. Ace would never try to kill anyone, he wasn't his family. As soon as these thoughts ran through my head I realized that I was contradictory myself. I just said he would never try to kill anyone, he wasn't his family and yet I was blaming and hating him for something his family did when he wasn't aware of anything.

The Dating proposalWhere stories live. Discover now