Part 4 - A Hike

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The new guests retire to their rooms once you've returned to the house. With your stomachs full and happy from your outing, settling down for the evening shouldn't be too difficult. Except for the fact that your mind is racing from how being around the three of them has made you feel.

Putting the pot on the stove you turn on the heat and throw yourself into a chair to wait for the kettle to hiss.

You can't believe how easy it was for you to get so lost in their eyes. Especially since you had only just met, but you can't seem to get the view of them licking ice cream out of your mind.

"They seem very nice, don't they?" Your mom asks, wandering into the kitchen and sitting down at the table, pulling you out of your embarrassing daydreaming. "Did you have a nice time?"

"Hmm? Oh yea, we had dinner at Haneul's parent's place, and ice cream, it was pretty nice..." You muse over the rather eventful day. When you first met them you were about ready to throw down after they took your bike by accident, but you warmed up to them rather quickly.

"It won't be so bad having them around for three months."

"No... not at all.." At least not for her or your sister, but if every day is like today, you're going to be tied up in knots with sexual frustration.

"Excuse me?" A deep voice cuts into your conversation politely. Both you and your mom whip your heads to look at the stairs that lead down from the second floor. Namjoon is on the last step, patiently waiting to be invited into your space. "I was wondering if I could get a glass of water?

"Oh yes of course, come, come!" Your mom waves him into the kitchen as she goes to the cabinet to get a cup.

Namjoon pads in, clad in his chunky framed glasses, plaid pajama pants, white t-shirt that forms to his chest rather nicely. He stops, a few chairs away from you, giving you a soft smile that you return with a mild heat reaching your cheeks. Glancing over to the stove he nods to the kettle starting to burbble within.


"Yes, would you like some?" You ask, starting to push up from your seated position. But he stops you quickly.

"No no, that's okay maybe tomorrow..." He pauses for a moment to look out the dark window and you look there as well, pondering what might have caught his eye, but you don't see anything. "Um.. speaking of tomorrow, would you like to go on a hike with me? You said something earlier about sitting out in nature and I'd really like to know the best spots around here..."

He smiles nervously, scratching the back of his head.

God he's cute, his eyes behind the glasses are squinted with his smile that pushes dimples into his cheeks. How could you say no to him, even if you wanted to?

"Of-of course, I'd love to." You smile back, your stomach fluttering with the excitement of showing him your favorite wooded spot.


"Great." his lips look so soft in this light, you'd love to feel them against your own.

"Yea.." He sighs, his eyes still locked with yours.

"Yea..." You sigh back.

"Y/n the kettle?" You mom interrupts the moment of rather longing stares, calling your attention back to the tea kettle that had begun to whistle loudly. Cursing under your breath you jump up to pull it off of the heat before it can wake up any guests with its screeching. "Here's your water, dear. Have a good night."

You busy yourself with the hot water, and select a tea, trying to ignore the nagging fluster that shakes your hands. There you go again, getting lost in a guest's eyes.

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