Part 8 - A Storm of Emotions

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The timing in any other situation would have been quite funny, and the boys laugh, but you are too frightened now to do anything but stare into the hypnotic waves of water bucketing off of the roof and splashing onto the concrete slab in front of you.

"Do you think we should wait until it backs off a little?" Hobi asks, peering out to the already waterlogged fields.

A streak of lightning splits the sky, making the four of you jump slightly.

You begin the count in your head until a crash of thunder echoes across the sky.

"17." You state plainly, "The heart of the storm is 17 miles away, it thinks, if we are gonna go we should go now. I dont think it's going to let up very much. I should get back to help my mom lock things down."

"I agree." Yoongi nods, backing you up. "I had 18 miles, but you're right, if this is the edge of the storm, I'd hate to be out here when the real thing gets here."

Looking between each other then back at the two of you, Hobi and Joon take deep breaths and nod reluctantly.

"We are already wet I guess." Namjoon jokes, gesturing politely for the rest of you to exit the dry shelter, holding the heavy door back for you.

"Run?" you ask.

"Probably best."

With a sudden burst of movement you all dash out into the pouring rain, running like your lives depend on it. Or at least as best as you can in flip flops and slides, when the dirt path is slowly turning to mud.

Your cover up is soaked through in a matter of seconds, clinging to your torso and legs as you run. Water runs down your forehead into your eyes blurring your vision. No matter how many times you run your hands over your face, swiping the water away, the rain doesn't ever clear from your eyes.

The lights from the bed and breakfast glint up at you as you reach the crest of a hill. The usual 10 minute walk reduced down to a 3 minute run even despite the treacherous footing on the road.

"There it is!" You shout over the thunderous pounding of rain in your ears. You see Joon and Hobi in front of you, and you go to look for Yoongi over your right shoulder. But looking away from the road in front of you isn't recommended.

Your right foot finds a particularly deep pothole on the road, the mud envelopes your flip flop, and you're thrown head first towards the dirt road.

Throwing your hands out you're able to save yourself from too much physical pain. Sadly the same can't be said for your poor sundress.

Yoongi's hands find your waist and he helps you back to your feet, you look down at the torn muddy mess that has become the front of your dress where your knees landed on the rough gravel starting to peek out from beneath the dirt as the rushing water carries it down the hill.

"Are you okay?" He asks frantically, checking you over, puzzling at your one barefoot "Where's your shoe?"

"y/n!" Namjoon shouts as he and Hoseok race back up the small hill to check on you.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, my shoe is somewhere in there." You point back at the puddle that caused so much trouble. "Let's just go."

Leaving your shoe behind you pick up into a jog again, leading the charge back to the house. You just want to be home and safe and dry. You can replace a flip flop from the dollar store.

Taking off your other shoe you carry it back to throw it away. Straying from the road you dash through the grass, feeling the soft blades sticking to your ankles and feet.

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