Chapter Two. Big Brown Eyes

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Year E3029 (33 Years Later)

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Year E3029 (33 Years Later)

Ocea (Pronounced O-Sha)

Pink buildings zipped by in a blur, prompting me to grip my acceleration. The sound of my motorcycle muffled the surrounding noises. I squeezed the brake as my bike popped, echoing around. Pedestrians glanced my way in concern as I slowed down to a stop. The red insect light flashed brightly at me, reflecting maroon across my face.

A blue female safforian in a navy suit walked by me with every click of her heels. Her hips swayed with her Men Of Suit's badge bobbing at every step. What she hid was her microchip gun, the device that controlled Safforia.

She stopped mid-crosswalk, waving at the man on the beetle bicycle. She ran up to him, making it look easy to run in heels.

"Sir, they have banned the beetle bike in the city," she said with her hands in the air, ushering the massive insect off the roads.

"But Kyle won't hurt a fly," the man responded.

I laughed, contemplating remembering what my dad told my mom when he brought home a beetle bicycle.


"Beck Doxon!" my mom yelled from the kitchen. "I told you no."

Thomas and I looked up from the game, floating in the middle of the living room. His expression popped his eyes out as his curly, dark hair bounced.

"Mr. D!" he yelled, jumping up from the ground and running to the front door.

I arched my neck, trying to see what my ridiculous dad had brought home this time. He had a thing for insects, so I'm sure he was adding to his collection in our backyard.

Thomas ran back inside, out of breath. He smiled at me while pointing behind himself. "You- have- got- to- see- this," he said with long pauses between each word.

With that, I jumped up, reaching for the door only to have a hand grab me back.

"Ocea, do you have the contact in your eye?" my mom asked, gripping my arm tighter.

"Yes," I whispered to her, yanking my arm back. She had her reasons to be a mama bear, protecting her young. "I know not to trust anyone."

She let out a deep sigh, opening the front door for me. "Besides your lover-boy," she teased me since Thomas discovered about me being interspecies offspring. A human dad and safforian mom, I disguised myself as a purple safforian like my mom. I was one of a kind.

Scared that Thomas heard her say lover-boy, I glanced over at him, running back to the door again. "Mom," I cried to her.

Thomas quickly grabbed me, dragging me to the purple front yard. His fingers intertwined with mine for a quick second before he pulled away. He jumped slightly, pointing at the gigantic insect my dad was riding.

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