Chapter Nine. Sunhovers

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Year E2996

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Year E2996


My breath was uneasy, chasing Kat along the tall lorna plants. The heads illuminated the field for us but cast a shadow, making it hard for me to keep up with her. The smell of water masked the natural muddy roots. I hastily ran with only leaves of tall vegetation in my sight.

A lorna smacked me in the face, making Kat laugh while holding her tummy. The adults chasing us lost Kat and me in the hybrid wheat field. With the plants towering over our heads, we just needed to stay quiet, but Kat struggled to keep her giggles to herself.

Kat turned around, stopping in her tracks. She brought her hand to her mouth, telling me to be quiet. Her little fingers reached up to my face, brushing off pieces of the lorna plant.

"Shh, Beck, you are so loud," she whispered to me with an added laugh at the end.

I scrunched my face at her. "What?" I asked back, not believing I was the problem.

We could hear the others in the distance arguing with one another. They sounded like they were walking in another direction, prompting Kat to interlock her hand with mine and pull me out of the plants.

She glanced around, then let me go, tiptoeing across the wet grass. Kat slowed down at the cliff's edge, looking down as I walked beside her. Both moons reflected in the water below, bringing a shine from it. The dark river flowed slowly enough that there were zero ripples. A fish jumped from the liquid, splashing illumination of green.

A buzz flew behind me, making Kat glance at a gigantic insect fluttering around my face. The bug reminded me of a dragonfly but glowed in the dark. It made eye contact with me before flying over the river to the other flock.

"Those are sunhovers," Kat said, answering the question I didn't ask yet.

I watched the sunhovers change colors, dancing to a light show for us. They fluttered over the water as a fish jumped out, trying to snag one of them.

To my surprise, a sunhover snagged a fish in mid-air while another attached to the fin. They pulled at each end, fighting over the fresh meal until another sunhover buzzed in, causing a side fight.

Loud clicks sounded from the insects in a battle while the other flew off with the fish. One turned red while the other flashed green, humming away in fear.

"Hey!" a deep voice yelled. "Stop right there." The man's voice was calmer, prompting Kat and me to look over at him. He raised his hands in the air. "You don't need to run."

He smiled to distract us from his actual intentions. I watched as one of his hands lowered toward his hip, trying to grab at something. A click sound had me looking over at Kat, unhooking Tyran's pouch and holding it in her hand.

In a frantic mess, I glanced back at the man pulling a gun from his side, aiming it at us. I quickly grabbed Kat's hip, bulldozing her over the cliff. A loud shot echoed as we free-fell into the water below.

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