Chapter Nineteen. Hella Boring

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Year E3029

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Year E3029


Dylan set the drawing book in the middle of us all. The morning insects buzzed around the camp while Wyatt and Stopper debated fixing the shower. The notebook flipped open with the wind, then flopped closed.

"So, since your dad was one of the first to come to Safforia and we found the door, does that mean the ship could be near?" Dylan asked while picking the drawing back up. He paced by me while Becca and Thomas sat on a log, watching him think. A pin fly flew by my face while I swatted it away. The heat of the morning caused sweat to drip down my lower back.

"As you said, going back to the beginning might mean getting clues about the Men Of Suits," Thomas added before biting down on a meat stick.

"I'm still confused." Becca stood from the log, making Thomas roll back and fall on his rear. "Why would you think the Men Of Suits started when humans arrived on Safforia?"

With my hand stretched out for Thomas, I helped him off the ground. "Because the head of the Saviors knows. It's kinda all we know."

"Yeah, Chester hadn't told us much more." Dylan tapped the top of my head. "Probably because he still looks at us like kids."

"Okay, well, where do we find this spaceship?" Becca asked, believing every word we said without protest.

In the end, Becca and Thomas don't have a choice. They are at ground zero with nothing to help them remove their chips, so anything was an achievement for them, even something this small.

Dylan shoved the drawing notebook into his backpack with other supplies. He glanced at me, then at Becca. "The door should still be where we left it. We can start there." He swung the backpack on his shoulders with a rocklock map in his hand.

He opened the rock as the map hovered, spreading over the tiny table. I leaned over it, pointing at the rust grass field.

"That was the area we ran by," I said, brushing my finger through the map. Orange dust swirled around before forming back to its original spot. "We found the door here."

Dylan double-tapped on the map, drawing a red dot. "We should—" he said, but Wyatt jumped out from the shower area, waving his arms around.

"Nope!" Wyatt yelled. "I can't do this," he said, shivering while Stop stepped into view, laughing.

"Oh man, don't be a baby." He held up a patagonian crater snake, kissing it on the head. "This little guy is harmless."

Stopper held the snake up to the tree next to him, letting it slither up the branch, the orange glow patterned alongside its body resembling a rock formation. A yellow dragonfly swooped down, snagging the snake. The insect dropped it right away, given the weight, and flew off.

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