Who needs Love?

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Chapter 2

<<Harry's POV>>

I brought the small girl or 'Quinn' into our tour bus. Louis, Zayn, Liam were talking and Niall was eating a BLT (Of course). I tried to bring in Quinn as quick as possible at the washroom to get the first-aid kit. "Who is this?" Louis asked. He didn't sound mad, more like a curious voice. "I'm Quinn." She said. "Pleusure!" They all said. They all started to say their names but Quinn I interrupted them. "I know who you are, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis!" She said pointing to each one has she went. I think the feel of being around One Direction died down because I could see a bubbly personality coming thought. "You should probably take a shower." I said. She nodded with her hands together around her back and walked into the bathroom.

I sat down on the couch with the rest of the gang and put my feet up on the table. "SooOoo, does someone have a wittle crush?" Louis said babying me.

"Oh shut up!" I shot back.

"Woah!" Louis said putting his hands up in the air.

"So, how did you meet her?" Liam asked

"She was trampled by paparazzi."

Oohs and okays filled the room by the lads. "This girl is different, she seems... different, in a good way."

<<Quinn's POV>>

I stepped inside their bathroom, I looked around the room. "This place is nicer than MY bathroom!" I thought of all what happened, meeting One Direction, 'oh my god' I said in my head. I was away from one direction so I could not fall in shock. BOOM! I hid the floor, not hard but enough to get by emotions out. I heard foot steps jogging closer to me. "Are you okay?" I heard Harry say. "Yeah it was just the soap." I heard Harry mumble the words 'okay' before he went back into the main room.

I slipped out of my now tattered clothes and stepped into the shower and turned the water on. The water trickled down my back and hair. It felt good. I ran my hands through my hair to lather soap through my hair. My hair was a mess and I had bruises all over myself. I thought of all the things that can happen tonight, all with happen will be I will shower and go home, he was just being nice, I liked that about him, it was just a fan crush, I could never date him, he was too good for me.


I stepped out if the shower and wrapped the white towel tightly over my body. I pulled my brown wet hair out of the towel to drape my hair over the towel. I realized all I hat to wear was my clothes. I sighed. I opened the door to get clothes, but I didn't bring clothes. I swung open the door but it was stumped by something. I looked down to see sweats lied down and piled on the floor. I held my towel with one hand and grabbed the clothes. I slipped into my undies and bra I had on, then I slipped into the sweat pants. The words 1D spelt on the butt. "Nothing wrong with free advertising! But is it on my butt soooo..." I slipped into the sweater and cleaned up the bathroom. I stuffed my clothes into my bag and hung up the wet towel. I got my phone from my bag and failed Ashley's number. Ugh voice mail. "Don't freak but I bumped into one D please call me back and don't scream because I need my ears, call me!" I hung up. I was scares the way she would react. I opened the door to find Harry looking down at me. "Hey." He said simple. "Hi." I responded. I was so stupid, hi? "Hey, umm I was wondering if we could maybe catch a flick sometime?" He hands me a piece of paper, on it was a phone number that said Harry's Cell.

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