As Cold As Hell

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The Ministry was very cold. The heater broke, we see the ghouls crowded around the fire...

(Gender neutral Y/N)

"Should we add more wood?" The tallest ghoul asks, picking up a log,

"Yea, go ahead, the fire is dying down..." I say, cuddling up more in their blanket.

Instrumentals play quietly through the speakers...

"You guys are really that cold?!?! It's not that bad!" Sodo exclaims, walking into the living room and sitting on the couch.

"It's because you're a fire ghoul, you're naturally warm!" Swiss says, teeth chattering. "Papa? When is the heater getting fixed?" he asks, Papa Emeritus the fourth walking into the living room.

"Sister Imperator is working on it, She says it won't be for a while." He sighs, sitting opposite of Sodo, head in hand.

I eye Sodo, wondering how warm he is... he adjusts his hips, glances over to me and catches me starting. He smirks and pats his thigh. I gasp and walk over to him, laying next to him. He picks me up and sets me on his lap... he's so warm I could fall asleep. I snuggle into his chest and whisper...

"Thank you Sodo" I smile into his chest yawning, my hand finds his and I pull it between us, getting as comfy as possible. Sodo adjust my blanket so he's covered too.

"No problem, sleep, it's cold." He whispers back

Papa looks up from the floor, and looks at me and Sodo, he smirks and gives Sodo a thumbs up. The ghoul giggled and hugged me close.

"YO WHAT-" Swiss starts

"Shut the fuck up, they're sleeping, you're such an idiot" Sodo whisper yells, interrupting Swiss.

"Sorry man... jeez" Swiss says walking out of the room.

"Sodo you guys look really cute..." Cirrus says, placing a hand on his shoulder, then following Swiss out of the room. Rain, Sunshine, Cumulus, Mountain, and Aether all agree to make hot cocoa and leave the room, leaving Sodo and I alone on the couch.

Sunshine walks back in and says,

"Sodo do you want hot cocoa?" She asks

"Yes please, and make some for them as well, they're freezing." Sodo whispers, looking down at me and smiling.

"Okay!" she hops out of the room.


They are freezing, I should try to warm them more. I move the blanket, so their feet are covered, also, so it's more on their shoulder. Satan, I love them so much, this was the perfect opportunity to show that, they don't know though... I'll tell them when they wake up.

"Shit" I squeak, they are moving on top of me, I hope I'm not waking them up they look so peaceful.

"Hmm...m..." They hum, smiling in their sleep and nuzzling more into my chest. Thank Satan, they are still asleep. Aether walks in carrying two mugs with whipped cream on top,

"Here you two go..." he says quietly and sets the mugs on the coffee table

"So..." He stars, "Are you in love yet?" Aether asks, crossing his arms.

"Heh... maybe..." I say, looking back down at them, and I smile.

"You're so smitten for them, you have to tell them when they wake up, because I was watching them I kept seeing them staring at you... I think they feel the same..." Aether warns, walking back out with a hop in his step. I hug them closer, not wanting to leave their side. I've grown obsessed, I fear, they won't love me back. Tears erupt from my eyes, steam trailing down my cheek, I make a squeak sound from the tears, and they squirm. I see their eyes slowly open, comfort in their face. I smile to myself, I see their eyes fully open and sleepily smile up at me, they are so cute.

"Hello there..." I say, moving the blanket out of their eyes.

"Hi Sodo." They say groggy, yawning.

"Did you sleep good?" I snuffle, the tears never really left my eyes.

"Yes I slept amazing thank you, you're so warm." They say sitting up and stretching, the blanket falling to the floor. "Were you crying?" they ask, a tear goes down my face.

"Uh yea- It's nothing, sorry" I try my best to dismiss the curiosity and confusion coming from them, but they are persistent.

"Tell me what's wrong" They push placing their hand on my thigh.

"I'm afraid what I'm going to say will affect you- and I don't know what you are going to say..." I trail off, hiding my face with my hands. They take them off my face and hold them, looking in my eyes. Their eyes are so beautiful, I can see their soul when I look in them. I can't take it anymore, and I lean in, hoping, praying, that they will too. 

And they do.


Someone please tell me something to write, I'm so bored all the time... 

Anyway... anybody else stressed abt finals. like oms!!

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