Chapter 14 | "Anything."

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I open the door to the boardroom office and her head snaps at my direction and the muscles on her face begin to relax in relief.
Her leg only continues to bounce up and down in anxiety, while the tracksuit she's wearing continues to act as a parachute around her slender body.

"When did you get here ?"

"Three hours ago..."

She says as she stands up and the leather from her hand bag makes a sound of distress from how tightly she's wrapping her hands around it.

"Your weddings tomorrow.."

"The wedding doesn't matter anymore."

"What about your fiance, he's expecting you to be walking down the isle tomorrow evening..."

"I don't care about the wedding right now, Mel... my life is falling apart and I feel like everybody has something to hide from me, their secrets are ruining my life."

She says as her bottom lip begins to tremble before she looks away from me.

"Take a seat Nhla..."

I say as I softly pull her back to the boardroom chairs and she takes a seat too, she places her fingers between her lips and she starts to bite her nails.

"Tell me what's going on."

"I need you to do a DNA test for me."

"What ? "

I ask and she shakily opens up her bag and she takes out two zip lock bags, one contains a used glass and another contains a container half filled with blood."

"I need you to do a DNA test of these two samples."

"Who's cup is this."

"Its not important, what's important is those DNA results, if you don't want to help me it's okay I can look for help else where."

"No it's okay Nhlanhla, I can help you. But you need to tell me who's samples are these ?"

She looks away from me and she swallows a little.


I say as I encourage her to speak.

"Those samples belong to Babmcane Lwandle and I..."


"Wait, Do you think that he might your father, your biological father ?"

"Mel i look exactly like the rest of his kids and it's no secret that we're not blood related. If I was as  light skinned as you I probably would look like you too. Something tells me that you and I have the same blood that runs in our veins."

"How can you be so sure ?"

"I'm not, but that's why I am here. I am getting
married tomorrow and I don't want this hovering over me for the rest of my life, I want a clean slate..."

"Nhlanhla listen to me, if I do this, there's no turning back, things will never be the same for you, for the rest of our family."

"This isn't about our family, this is about me. I need answers."

She says and I lean back on my chair and I sigh a little.

"Let me talk to aunt pearl, and hear what she knows, if her story doesn't add up, then we can take to the DNA tests. She would never lie to me."

"The truth is all that I want Mel , that's all."

"Don't worry... just go and get some rest, I'll call you as soon I find anything."

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