The Orphic Serpent[Lemon Warning]

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A/N: Kairos and Dain spend some time alone that autumn evening. However Kairos has gone into one of her seasonal cycles, which have been steadily growing worse as the year progresses. 

Contains scenes of couple being intimate, you've been warned otherwise go fetch that holy water is advised!!


Year of the Lunar Dragon.

And what a year it had been, busy too for much of Teyvet and Khaenri'ah was no exception. That spring the nation that enjoyed the protection unknowingly of Yggdrasil and it's keeper had been in celebration. The count's beautiful May bride, Inanna hailed as the Jewel of Khaenri'ah had wed to Count Dainslief, the captain of the royal guard and famous Twilight Sword. Oh what a celebration and feast it had been!! So many of his love's favorite flowers as far as the eye could see. The way she had smiled with such carefree joy that day and the way those crazed noblewoman wept at their desired man now being snatched away by this...this damn gypsy!!

Inanna and Alice had made short work of those pesky annoyances though. Halfdan is more than happy to help the newly weds sneak away. Dainslief and the time goddess vanished into the twilight right into the field of inteyvets shrouded by the blossoms of Yggdrasil. He had learned fast just how much stamina she had and just how dominant she could be during her seasonal heat cycles. While outside them like on their wedding night she had been shy and meek when he had taken her in that special flower field. Ever since that night it had been difficult for each of them to keep their hands off each other during her heat cycles. Almost like some unknown force was edging them on.

It had been like that in her summer cycle and it had left him too sore and exhausted. Some had even noticed the bites and very slight bruising. The strength of a deity was no joke and he had to actually hand his desk work over to Halfdan due to it his state and it hurting too much to sit too long. He had gotten quizzical looks then too from some of the royal court, but surprise surprise Tyr had caught on before everyone else. For some reason Tyr had covered for him, saying Dainslief and Inanna were busy trying for an heir. That...wasn't too far from the truth. Dainslief really did want children but Inanna only had a chance to conceive only four times a year. That made things just a little on the tricky side.

However as he was leaving for home that early autumn he felt a sting in the back of his mind. "Ouro...oh Ouroborus~!"he heard her call in his head. The tone was smooth with a bit of rumble almost like a tiger's purr. It was very faint on the autumn breeze but his sharpened senses could smell it. Ishtar's scent had a habit of getting stronger and gained an aroma of the highest quality ambrosia wine. Since the contract he had to consume the tree's fruit twice a year during the equinoxes of spring and winter. It had stopped his aging physically at the very least. His body may not be truly human anymore but his spirit and mind were still that...human. So the seductive, impatient hum in his mind and the scent on the breeze. He had no doubt what was happening.

"Ishtar, you've gone into heat again haven't you?"he whispered as he hurried his pace out of town.

"Don't keep me waiting darling snake, my dear Jörmungandr. You know I hate to be kept waiting."came her whisper in his mind.

"I know you don't but please be patient just a bit longer. I'm almost home and once I'm there you have me all to yourself."he soothed as he finally reached the estate. Judging by the pleased sing-song hum that rumbled in the back of his mind she was pleased. He had no doubt either of them was getting any sleep tonight. Oddly he was fine with that as long as he got to just be with her. So as fast as he could he hurried inside locking the door, set aside his boots and cape and coat, removed what little armor he had on to set aside and was meeted with an embrace from behind.

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