Five // Got a Secret?

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"Riley likes the Texan, Riley likes the Texan!" Farkle chanted to his friend on the way to the cafe.

"Shut up, Farkle! He is annoying as hell and seems like a jerk," Riley retorted. "

"He seems like a jerk. He doesn't have to be one. I know how it is to be misjudged. I mean you thought I was weird or different," Farkle said.

"Yeah, but... You're not him. He could be the same stupid stereotype there is to every pretty boy," Riley said. Riley's phone buzzed signaling a notification of some type. "Hold up, Farkle. I got a text," Riley said shocked that she received a text. She never received a text.

From Brandon:
Riley, I'm at your window. Are you lost or something? Text me back and hurry up!

Riley's eyes widened. She had totally forgot about Brandon. She quickly texted him back.

To Brandon:
Ummm... I forgot! Meet me at the cafe. The old-fashioned one. The one my mom is managing.

After pacing quickly, Farkle and Riley met at their small hang out place. "Who texted you? Was it the Lucas boy?" Farkle asked, curious. They were the only ones out of the four there.

"No, that was Brandon. He was my childhood friend. He's back for the rest of the semester before he has to go back abroad," Riley explained to him. "Look there's Lucas... and Brandon," Riley pointed at them. "Hey Brandon!" Riley said and hugged him was he walked over to their table. "Lucas," Riley managed to say. They exchanged their greetings and sat down. Farkle next to Riley and the other two across from them. Brandon chatted about Europe, talking about the landmarks and famous buildings there was to see. Everyone was getting along, except for Lucas. He felt out of place, or he felt Brandon was stealing his moment. I mean Riley 'ready knows the kid, why does he need to talk about his adventure? Lucas thought to himself.

"So Riles, any boys?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, Riley-OW!" Farkle said, but got interrupted by Riley steeping on his foot. "What I meant to say was that Riley has celebrity crushes," Farkle says trying to save himself. Farkle laughed nervously.

"Oh, who?" Lucas asked.

"Ansel Elgort," Riley answered.

"Well, I have to go to, Riley want me to walk you home?" Farkle said after receiving a text message.

"No, I'm good. I'll hang here for a bit," Riley replied. Farkle left after grabbing a smoothie. After a while, Brandon left to deal with some relatives visiting

"So..." Lucas said after Brandon left.

"So..." Riley also said. It was awkward, well everything with Riley is awkward.

"So... Glee. Yeah that show is kind of like my guilty pleasure," Lucas said trying to break the silence.

Riley grinned, "Yeah, it's my favorite tv show. We should go, I have to finish homework," Riley replied.

"Okay, I'll walk home with you," Lucas said once they got outside.

"No, it's okay. We're going opposite ways anyways," Riley said. They said goodbye to each other and left. Once, Lucas was out of her sight, Riley came back into the café.

"That boy is cute, you should go for it," the manager said.

"Yeah, but he's going for your daughter," Riley said putting on her apron. She worked at the café. Since her mother owned the place now, she gave Riley a job. It's her only source of money. "Ms. Hart, sorry for starting late. I don't want them to know about this," Riley apologized.

"It's fine sweetheart. You know why don't you take the night off. You need it," Her boss said.

"I couldn't," Riley said.

"But you will," Ms. Hart replied.

"Thank you," Riley said as she hugged her. She walked away happy.

Lucas knocked on the Matthews' door. Muffled voices came from the inside. "Mr. Friar? What brings you here?" Cory Matthews questions as he opens the door. "Oh uhh... Is Riley here? I need to tell her something about school," Lucas answered. "She's probably in her room," Mr. Matthews said letting Lucas in. Lucas went to her room and Riley was no where to be seen. "Riley?" Lucas called out. No answer. Lucas walked around the room, he noticed a slightly opened drawer. He opened it entirely and saw a cracked picture frame. The picture in the frame was a photo, maybe from two years ago, of Maya and Riley hugging each other. "That's weird," Lucas said. "They don't seem to be friends now," Lucas talked to himself. "What's this?" He says noticing something different, something horrible. Lucas heard a voice approaching the door, Riley's voice. "Crap," Lucas whispered he quickly put the picture back and went out the window.


"Dad, I'm home," Farkle called out. His father probably wasn't home, off creating the newest technology. Farkle ran up to his room, it was filled with trophies of his accomplishments. Accomplishments his father wasn't proud of. Farkle's dad always wanted more from him, never happy with whatever Farkle obtained. He changed into his pajamas and watched Doctor Who. Farkle fell asleep with his TV on.


Maya waited, on the couch in the little apartment she lived in, waiting for her mother. "Sweetie, come on let's get you to you room," her mother said when she saw her daughter half-asleep once she walked through the front door. Maya said goodnight and walked to her room. She walked in to her small room filled with clothes from Walmart and Goodwill. She changed into her pajamas and lied down staring at the ceiling. She became a cheerleader so she wouldn't have to face the wrath of people making fun of her for her cheap clothes. She fell asleep in the room with everything that was breaking or broken, even Maya.


"Hmm... This drawer wasn't open," Riley said noticing the partially opened drawer.


Ahh... A tiny cliffhanger. I actually enjoyed writing this chapter. It was very different from what I usually write.



And new cover, the other one wasn't very good.

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