First Mission Part 2

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(A/N: When I wrote this chapter,I was heavy influenced by the Jujutsu Kaisen S1 track "Your Battle Is My Battle". Perhaps by listening to it, you'll see why)

The two teens would lunge at the cursed spirit, with Chromastone taking the lead. Chromastone would attempt a right cross, causing the curse to sidestep to it's left in order to avoid it. Chromastone would then follow up with a left hook, causing the curse to duck backwards. Running from behind Chromastone,Yuji would then jump high into the air, right before letting out a battle cry as he did a front flip into a downard axe kick with his left leg, causing the curse to jump backwards. The impact of the attack caused the ground beneath Yuji to crack, but he paid no mind to this as he looked towards the curse with frustration. The curse snickered in response.

Equally frustrated, Chromastone would stretch both hands forward before shooting an ultraviolet blast towards the curse, causing it to jump to it's left to avoid it. Upon chuckling in order to taunt Chromastone for missing, the curse was pelted with more blasts, to which it still managed to dodge by weaving from side to side while running forward. Once it was closer to Chromastone, the curse cocked it's right hand back before throwing a right cross,to which Chromastone dodged by jumping into the air to it's surprise.

Chromastone proceeded to turn his body while still in mid air in order to face the back of the curse. Once he did so,he shot another energy blast to which the curse narrowly avoided by jumping backwards. With a battle cry, Chromastone increased his descent downwards and proceeded to punch the ground with his right fist. This caused a huge tremor across the room that was immediately followed up with a landslide that went rapidly towards the curse. Before it could hit it, the curse jumped high into the air in order to avoid it, grinning as it saw the annoyed look on Chromastone's face.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Yuji stepped forward before throwing the sheathed Slaughter Demon with his left hand, causing the curse to weave to the right to avoid it while still in mid air. With a loud battle cry,Yuji ran forward before jumping towards the curse. As he approached it,he angled his body upside down so that his crotch was coming towards it's face with his legs wide open. Caught off guard by this maneuver, the curse was unable to stop Yuji from wrapping his legs around it's neck tightly.

With a grunt,Yuji arched back further,as if about to perform a backflip, and proceeded to throw the curse towards Chromastone through his legs wrapped around it's neck.

(A/N: If you still don't understand,Yuji basically just did a mid air hurrincanrana).

This sent the curse flying face first towards Chromastone,who proceeded to strike it with a powerful right punch to the face. The force behind it was so great that it completely destroyed the wall it crashed into,thus sending into a completely different room. This one was dark green in color, and there wasn't much of a floor within it either, as the floor that existed in this room was vertical in length. It was also so narrow that just a few steps to either sides would see you falling off into the lower section, which was far below the room itself. Fortunately though, this was just the middle section of the room,as to the far ends of both sides, more wider flooring could be seen.

With an irritated grunt, the curse got back to it's feet,as it had landed on the middle side of the room. It then saw Chromastone and Yuji come through the hole in the wall that the former had made. Both Yuji's and Chromastone's eyes were fixated on the curse, whose eyes in turn,was also fixated on them. The three combatants would continue to glare at each other for a few fleeting moments.

Upon noticing that the curse was most likely waiting in anticipation for them to make the next move again, Itadori looked towards Chromastone.

"I'll admit, that was a pretty good punch. But how come you didn't use those energy blasts from earlier? They looked like they had more of an effect on it." Said Yuji.

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