When Extremes Meet

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"Both Todo and Mai." The two teens,Todo and Mai,who stood in front of the trio,Ben, Megumi and Nobara, gave off a great sense of hostility just from their stance and facial expression. But neither Ben,who stood at the right of Megumi, with Nobara standing at his left,or any of his afformentioned allies were deterred in the slightest, with Ben even lightly tucking back his left sleeve, bracing himself for the potential of a fight breaking out.

Megumi's own expression however,stood in complete contrast to Ben's,as he seemed to be familiar with the two teens,thus allowing him to be more calm in the situation. Though Nobara was as well, her expression was also that of caution, similar to Ben.

"What are you doing here, Zenin-senpai?" Asked Megumi calmly, thus breaking the silence

"She's one too?" Asked Nobara in surprise, though she was able to keep her composure.

"Now that I think about it,they do seem kinda similar. I'm guessing they're sisters?" Asked Ben with curiosity

"They're twins." Answered Megumi.

"Don't call me that, Fushiguro. You make me sound the same as Maki." Said Mai as her gaze and smile was directed towards Megumi. A gaze that upon first glace would seem enticing, but once you considered the context was also unnerving. Adding even more to the uncertainty she was causing the trio,Maki would place the left side of her face gently on her left palm.

"Call me Mai." Said Mai with a wink.

"So these are the pinch hitters for Okkotsu and the third years?" Asked Todo brazenly.

"We came here with the principal because we were interested in meeting your new friends." Said Mai as she then dropped her left hand to underneath her chin.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Megumi.

"Are you going to make it spell it out for you? Oh, don't be like, Fushiguro. You know that I'm obviously talking about the shape-shifter and the 'vessel' you have in your group." Said Mai mischievously.

"Tell me,how does it feel to have half-curse monsters such as them in your mist? Doesn't it revolt you? I'm sure it does since the other one isn't here." She taunted, causing Ben to audibly gasp.

"Having such tainted inhuman beings beside you, brazenly calling themselves sorcerers must stroke quite the ire, doesn't it?" Said Mai,her voice losing it's allure, and now more on the lines of hostility.

"I'm sure you'd be happier if they both just...died." A grim expression would form on the face of the three teens, and if looks could kill,they would have. Whereas the shadows under the eyelids of both Nobara and Megumi became more visible, Ben's eyes were all but concealed by his hair, thus making his glare very cold.

"Mai, don't bring up such pointless topics." Said Todo before beginning to walk forward.

"I'm only here to see if these guys are fit to take Okkotsu's place." Todo then stood a few feet away from the trio before throwing his jacket to the side.

"That's all I want to know!" Todo proclaimed boldly.

"I'll start with you." Said Todo as he pointed towards Megumi.

"Fushiguro,was it?" A "Tsk" was the response that Megumi gave.

"What kind of woman is your type?!" Shouted Todo. The three teens were dumbfounded to say the least,as their eyes narrowed in disbelief, and their pupils would briefly all but fade, leaving dots in their place. They would even tilt their head to their right slightly, with a singular red "?" briefly forming above them, highlighting their confusion.

"Is he serious?" Asked Ben.

"I think he is." Answered Nobara.

"Depending on your answer, I'll beat you half to death right here,and drag Okkotsu,or at least the third years, out to the exchange event." With a maniacal grin,Todo would slowly raise both hands up to his chest level, and upon placing them there,he would firmly grab his shirt, before ripping it to shreds completely.

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