Settling In

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Location: Sendai City, Japan

Time: 5:30PM

"Gwen?" Said Ben in astonishment. The girl known as Gwen had fair skin,red hair tied into a ponytail that was shoulder length and green eyes. She wore a white shirt under a red sweater, black stockings under a black mini-skirt and black high heels.

"You're alive!" Began the hologram of Gwen enthusiastically.

"I mean...I know Paradox said that you were alright, but it's so good to see that you're ok. Are you ok?" Asked Gwen.

"I'm better than ok,Cuz. I'm really happy to see you." Said Ben with a wide smile.

"I am too. We were worried sick when you didn't see either you or the watch but only the Ultimates. These past few days have been pretty hard on us, especially your parents." Said Gwen with a tone of sadness.

"Past few days? How long have I been gone?" Questioned Ben as he then took a seat on one of the chairs.

"By tomorrow, it'll be a week." Answered Gwen.

"A week? I just got here today." Shouted Ben in Surprise.

"Now that you mention it, where exactly are you? Is it that same universe you told Kevin and I you went to last month?" Asked a curious Gwen.

"No,I don't think Rex or Providence exist here. It's definitely somewhere new. Though I'll say,I thought Paradox filled you guys in on where I was before he got here?" Said Ben with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes and no. He told us that you were alright, and that you were in an alternate version of Japan, but he didn't tell us any more." Mused Gwen.

"Why?" Asked Ben, not quite understanding what she meant.

"He said he needed to get to you as soon as possible, and that once he was sure that you were ok, he'd fill us in more " Answered Gwen.

"I see. Well he's already done a lot for me in his short stay here. He got me a house to live in, though I'm not sure if it's by myself. Whichever one,I don't mind. Plus even though I can't go back anytime soon,I can still keep in touch with you guys." Said Ben with a tone of gratitude.

"Paradox really outdid himself." Said Gwen with a smile.

"Yeah,I owe him a lot for that." Agreed Ben with a smile of his own.

"Knowing him, he would probably see it as an honor to help you out like this." Said Gwen,her smile turning into a small smirk.

"Heh,true." Said Ben with a small laugh.

"Hold on let me go upstairs to one of the rooms, it'd probably be more cozy." As Ben said this he held the Plumber's Badge firmly in his right hand and then got up from the chair. He then walked out of the kitchen and climbed up a set of stairs that led to the upper floor.

He saw a total of three brown doors,each spaced out from the other. His attention was brought to the one in the middle,as it had his name "Ben" written in Japanese Kanji on a small note above the door. Unlike the other doors which had nothing of the sort.

"Guess this must be my room." Said Ben as he then opened the middle door.

He was met with a well furbished room, sporting white walls,a single bed with a blue bedsheet,a table opposite the bed that had nothing on it, and an empty wardrobe behind it. By the left hand side of the room was a door that most likely led to a bathroom.

'Kinda reminds me of home' Ben thought to himself.

"Alright, I'm upstairs now. I'm sure you're wondering how this new world is?" Said Ben as he then laid on his back with the Plumbers Badge still in hand.

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