The Memory.

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The cold wind of the night blew through the dorms as simulated rain poured down outside, hearing it hit the ground made Shuichi shiver. Walking softly out of his room, he felt uneasy, knowing all the dorms besides a few were empty wracked his nerves. Dispite his uneasy Feeling, Shuichi quietly crept up the stairs and to Kokichi's old room
The door was plain and cold, as silence filled the room of doors and dorms, Shuichi somehow felt a little safer near Kokichi's room. Hesitantly, Shuichi went to place his hand on the door hand, now realizing it was shaking, but why? Was it the fear of what he'd find in this room? Or perhaps the fear of getting in trouble? Maybe kokichi had set a trick before dying and this would set off a loud noise, giving Shuichi away. Shuichi shook his head, disappointed in such thoughts, he took a deep breath and slowly opened the door, it softly creaked as a slightly messy room revealed itself to the detective. Inside the room was a big collection of things, a wax effigy, a horse head, collections of accessories from past friends even one of Saihara's hats, as well as a white board with some stuff on it. After Shuichi explored a bit, he came to a desk, looking down at it made him almost nauseous, soft blood stains seemed to cover some of it, and a bloody bandage sat near them. On the very edge of the desk sat a piece of paper, looking at it made Shuichi's stomach twist and turn horrible, causing the detective to hold his stomach while taking some deep breaths to prevent making a mess. Once calm, Shuichi looked at the paper again, it lay perfect on the desk, not a stain nor smudge was on it, no eraser marks no nothing, it lay flat, un touched since it was written on, it had no creases, nor rips or holes, it was almost like porcelain. As the detective wiped his sweating hands on his shirt, he pulled the chair out a bit and took a seat, leaning over the paper to read it, except when he went to read, his body felt horribly weak. Shuichi's breathing began to pick up before he could even read the first word, his eyes started to burn as if they were melting as his hands began to become clammy, his head began to spin, as he suddenly passes out. As Shuichi felt his head slam on the desk, he shot out of bed, around him was a hospital, it was surprisingly quiet, and almost calming. The detective looked around, noticing a night stand close to him, so close he could reach, there on the night stand sat a crisp, almost porcelain like envelope with Shuichi name on it. Seeing the letting made Shuichi feel slightly sick, as he picked it up the letter his anxiety seemed to flatter, but that wouldn't last long...

To Be Continued...

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