A Lick of Delusion.

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As Shuichi stared at the Envelope in his hands, an almost calming Aura was brought to him, he gently opened it and pulled out the letter, it was ripped around the mid top part, leaving only a confusing bit of the letter left, it read

" You gave me your heart, you know? You'd like me to hand it back, Whole again. An eternity without me. You will look in the faces of passers by, hoping for something that will, for an instant, bring me back to you. You will find moonlit nights strangly empty, because when you call my name through them, there will be no answer. Always your heart will be aching for me and your mind will give you the doubtful consolation that you did, a brave thing.
- kokichi Oma"
(Yes that's based off a tiktok leave me be-)

Shuichi stared blankly at the paper, he didn't understand it, perhaps it was a poem? Or a quote? Perhaps even a promise, whatever it was, it was from kokichi. Reading that name, written so neat and nice, it made Shuichi's heart flutter, his mind drifted to one thing and one thing only. ' I have to find Kokichi. '

And with that thought in mind, Shuichi started to plan his hospital escape. Grabbing a sheet off the bed and a few pairs of clothes, changing into modern clothes and packing the other outfits into the sheet. Once the detective was packed and ready, he snuck out the window and made a run into town, he ran until he found a decently safe place to stay, a quiet, damp alleyway, this area seemed to be busy, so maybe he could find someone he knew, or even better, Kokichi. Shuichi sat there in that ally, deep in thought, thinking about what kokichi would look like, would he be taller? Thicker? Perhaps his hair would be normal? Or maybe more frizzy like an afro? Maybe it wasn't purple anymore? Did he have glasses now? Maybe his name wasn't even kokichi now? Suddenly Shuichi was ripped from his thoughts, when he noticed a figure standing over him, slowly he looked up to see a inky black face smiling at him, sharp daggers teeth covered in an unknown goopy substance, Fear started to arise in the detective as he stared up at the grotesque figure, the black inky substance dripped onto his face, the second it touched, he let out an almost blood curdling scream, the spot burned like no other, like a lighter was pressed to his forehead while still lit. The detective screamed for a bit before he stopped from shock, two hands grabbed his shoulders and gently shook his, muffled asks of ' are you okay ' and ' are you hurt ' continued to echo in Shuichi's mind, until he finally realized what had happened and who had grabbed him.

To Be Continued...

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