Memories and Moon-Pools

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Ashley snarled, slamming her fist into the metal door of her garage. She rested her other arm on the door, leaning against it. She took deep, slow ragged breaths in an attempt to control herself. Her shaky breathing and the low hum of the ceiling fan were the only sounds that filled the cluttered garage.

She turned around and slid her hands over her face as she pressed her back against the cold metal door, slumping down to the floor. The rage Ashley felt was still present, faded and not as apparent as the painful ache in her heart.

Her head in the palm of her hands, she caught a glimpse of her black bracelet. Its long faded, now grey strings dangling from her wrist.

Memories flooded Ashley's mind of the time spent together with her. At the park when they had been chased by an elderly woman for PDA. They had run away from her, yelling jokes and profanities, holding hands and laughing with each other. The time spent swimming in the ocean, sunbathing at the beach, and simply enjoying each other's presence. The promises made on that old and faded bracelet; The day that bracelet was made.

"Come on! You promised you would come with me after the park!" A young dirty-blonde pouted at a 12 year old Ashley, tugging at her hand. Ashley groaned, not wanting to move from her position on the blanket. Her arm was draped over her eyes, blocking the bright warm sun as she laid down on her purple and blue patterned blanket. A small smile played on her lips as she felt Ava's hand pulling her own.

"But Blinky, we were so comfortable. We could just stay here and nap the afternoon away" Ashley sat up and watched as Ava struggled to pull her up. Ava's eyebrows furrowed together as she used all of her strength to pull her onto her feet.

Feeling a bit mischievous, Ashley tugged Ava, surprising her and causing her to fall on top of her. She shrieked in surprise and let go of Ashley's hand to catch herself on the soft green grass. Ashley took that opportunity to flip their positions and tickle the beautiful blonde's sensitive sides.

Ava's brown eyes widened in horror "Noo!" Almost immediately, a melodic laughter filled her ears.

Ashley grinned and laughed with her. The blonde's  laughter was highly contagious. She would never get tired of hearing that sound.

"Isn't this much more fun?" Ashley teased, attacking Ava's sides with wiggling fingers as they tousled on the ground.

"No! I- You!" Ava wheezed, a toothy grin on her face as she attempted to speak. "Stop!" She finally released Ava and rolled backwards, laying flat on her back facing the clear  blue sky with a satisfied grin as Ava caught her breath, a few giggles leaving her lips.

"Ash, you promised" Ava's soft pink lips jutted out in the form of a pout. Simply adorable. Just looking at her filled Ashley with a warm tingly feeling that made her heart flutter in her chest.

"Okay, okay." She relented and stood up. She patted herself free of grass and dirt and began to pick up the blanket and empty containers of food. A content sigh left her lips as a light breeze ruffled her inky black hair. She stared into the sky, a light smile playing on her lips.

Not long after, Ashley had been dragged to the back of a mechanic shop. Mechanic All. Very punny. Ashley currently worked there as a delivery girl since child labor laws wouldn't allow her to actually work in the shop. Though Derrick didn't mind bending a few rules and neither did she.

"Don't tell me you dragged me over to work?" Ashley raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend. A current of warmth spread through her body as she observed her features. Dark blond and wavy strands of her fell just over her small shoulders.  Ava rolled her hazel brown eyes that seemed to sparkle in the evening sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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