7| A Burger and a Baseball Bat

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"Anything else, sir?" I asked through clenched teeth. Ezra cocked his head as if he would actually thinking about it."There's a pool party and I want you to go with me."
"I can't swim," I asserted coldly while scribbling his order on my pad.

"You don't have to. I just want a beautiful girl by my side." He sneered, making me sick. Did his stupid jokes ever work? "
You'll find a bunch of beautiful women down the street who, with the right pay, would love to be by your side." His eyes widened in shock as I lowered the pad and stared at him unemotionally.

I would have to make sure here and now that he wouldn't follow me like a mangy dog ​​anymore.

"Listen, kid," I began, even though we were the same age. "I have no interest in you or your silly games. I don't want anything to do with you. Do you understand that, or do you want me to write it down for you?" , I hissed. He just stared at me strangely. When there was no answer, I turned around annoyed and wanted to pass his order on to the kitchen.

"What do I have to do to make you say yes?" he put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around to face him. I didn't even get that he got up. It began to boil inside me. We stood in the middle of the diner. I really didn't feel like making a scene. I hissed at him angrily. "...drop dead."

I went behind the counter and passed the order, when I turned around he was already there. His gray eyes fixed on me almost pleadingly, his hands resting on the marble countertop.

I ignored him and grabbed another rag.
"How much do you want?"
My movement froze.

Did he think I was some whore he could buy to love? My blood rushed cold. He raised his hands reassuringly.
"I know you may need it. So why don't we compromise? You don't have to-" "Get out," I whispered, suppressing a tremble.

I'd endured a lot since I was on the Harrington. But this... That was another level of shabby. He could shove himself and his money up his ass.

His face turned pale. But he remained stubborn. "I pay well. Listen, Sadie-" My hand clutched the rag and I forced myself to keep calm with all my might.
That couldn't be true. Who did he actually think he was? "Get. Out." I said, dangerously quiet.

He slid a card across the counter for me. "Here is the address. If you change your mind, come to the party. I'll wait." Then he turned and left the diner.

Only the ringing of the shop bell ripped me out of my shock. What just happened here? How desperate did you have to be?
While I Taking a deep breath, I ran my hands through my curls and let my gaze wander around the room. Nobody noticed us. I looked out the window again.

What an asshole.


"I'm home !" I tiredly threw my bag into the corner and slipped off my shoes.
"Hi, Sadie!" Lizzy called out, sitting on the couch apparently playing video games. Beside her lay Silas, fast asleep. I untied my hair from the makeshift ponytail and walked over to the sofa. I quickly kissed the top of my little sister's head, which she wiped away indignantly. "Why is Silas still up? It's shortly before 10."

Lizzy glanced at Silas before concentrating on her game again. "He's not. You see it?"
I just shook my head and pushed the little boy into my arms. "Have you done your homework yet?" I asked her as I was already walking up the stairs. A curt "yes!" sounded that I didn't quite believe her.

As I gently tucked Silas into his bed so he wouldn't wake up, I heard the door open again.
"I brought food!" Lee called from downstairs as I tucked my little brother in.
Lizzy squeaked distantly.
"Bullshit! I paid for that." I heard Reid's voice protest.
"And I guarded it with my life the whole trip!"
"You ate the fries. You did that."

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