1| After Show

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„You're a fucking asshole. Do you know that?" Moe asked me, as he finally climbed onto the hood next to me. I puffed out my cigarette smoke into the cold air, raising my eyebrows. "And I thought I was the epitome of a gentleman.", I whispered, making fun of him. Moe snatched the cigarette out of my hand. "Buy your own." I grumbled while i glaring at him. He didn't even look at me, as he smoked what was mine.
"Does it look like I've got cash?"
"And you think I do?"

Moe ran his hands through his hair, but made no move to give it back to me. I sighed in surrender, "Well, tell me. Why am I the asshole today?" He looked at me sideways and his eyes said something like ' Isn't that obvious? ' It probably was.

"Sadie, man!" he yelled, as if my sister's name was the answer to everything. I avoided his accusing gaze and looked over the glowing skyline of this miserable city. I used to come here after every damn race. As much as I do love the adrenaline rushing through my veins, I had to slow down somewhere or I would go nuts.

"What about her?" I asked annoyed, finally stealing my belongings back. Moe hissed displeased, as if it was his to begin with, while I sucked death deep into my lungs. "She's really worried about you," he finally enlightened me and I slumped on the hood of Moe's old garbage car.

I was actually here to forget my fucking problems, not to be scolded by my best friend like a preschooler.

"That's why I don't want her there when i race," I murmured, as Moe hovered over me, blocking my view of the stars. His mane of dyed blue hair almost tickled my nose. I slapped the strand away, as if it where an obnoxious bee. „She threw another tantrum?", i asked, already knowing the answer.

I pushed him a bit away from me, as he really didn't have a sense of courtesy distance. But he never had in the 5 years that I knew him. Moe was always glued to one's side. Permanent like a fucking tattoo.

"Yep." he sighed and I narrowed my eyes as tonight's occurrences came flooding back to me. Sadie was the most decent of my siblings, but she was a fury when she didn't get what she wanted.

I stuck the fag between my lips. A short thud informed me, that Moe was now lying next to me. "I'm scared of her, man," he admitted and I laughed. "Me too," I confessed. A moment of silence passed between us.

"You promised her," he reminded me, his voice a distant whisper, and I groaned guiltily. Not that many months ago, she asked me to stop the illegal street racings, but they made good money... I rubbed my forehead. The long day made my movements rather slow. "As long as I have to worry about having a roof over our heads for the next week, I won't stop."

He sighed and I knew exactly what face he was making right now. When I started he was just as enthusiastic as I was, but over the last few years I could tell that he was becoming skeptical too.

"How much did you get today?" he asked, changing the topic in an obvious manner. I played along and tapped my pants pocket. "About 530." He whistled in astonishment. "Shit, maybe i should also try that ride of yours."

I gave him a weary look that was half amused and half a warning. "Better stick to your shady business." Silence fell between us once again and each of us dwelled on our thoughts. "Will she be back for the next race?" he asked after a while. I swallowed hard still feeling the anxiety that her presence had sent down my spine, the moment that i saw her at that damned place. I hoped not. I hated knowing she was there. Those races were dirty and the company was not exactly the best. That's why Moe always had to play babysitter. Which neither of them seemed to like.

But Sadie insisted on coming. I could visualize her reproachful look and her voice saying: Somebody has to make sure you don't fuck shit up.

"Probably," I answered curtly, straightening up.

"Are you leaving already?" he asked me as I jumped off the hood and walked towards my bike. It wasn't far from the deserted lot at the top of the hill to our house. But the sun was about to rise and I wanted to be home before then.

"Bye, scumbag!" I shouted at him as I climbed onto the bike. He showed me his proudest finger. "See you tomorrow, bastard!" And with that, the engine roared and I sped off.


„The drugs are in the fridge. If that's what you're looking for," I joked as I skipped down the last few steps.

Reid banged his head hard as he crawled out of the kitchen cupboard. "Fuck." Laughing, I sat down on the kitchen island and watched as my brother angrily rubbed his - now probably ringing - head. "Good morning to you too, moron."

I poured myself a cup of coffee and smiled to myself and into the liquid. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him as he slammed the door angrily. "Where's the can of beans?" He ignored my question and poured himself a coffee as well. I frowned.

"You mean the can of savings?" I asked, and he nodded. We kept all our money in an old can of beans, which we hid on the back shelf. I'd suggested before that we could just take it to the bank, but we put our salary into the old tin, since i can remember. I think it is an old habit of my dad, that none of us was interested in changing. "I put them on the top shelves because Silas almost ransacked them," I said between sips. It was only 6 a.m and I definitely needed more caffeine to get me through the day.

"And why don't you tell me that? Shit, Lee! Do you know how long I've been on my knees?"I raised my eyebrows suggestively and received a light slap on the back of the head. "I don't have time for that shit right now," he informed me while pulling the can from the upper shelves.

"I have to go soon. Early shift."
I frowned in confusion, "Aren't you just off the night shift?" Reid didn't look up as he stuffed his salary into the can. "Rent is due soon."

I nodded in understanding and also pulled the 530 Dollar out of my pocket to stuff it also into the can. Reid grabbed my hand before I reached it. " Where did you get this money from?" he asked in his stern tone, that I've never been able to take seriously. I looked defiantly into his eyes. "Tips from the shop," I lied without batting an eye, watching my big brother's face scowl. We both know that mechanics didn't get that much tips. But he didn't want to know the truth. Or rather, i didn't want him to scold me, because of the truth.

„Bullshit." There we go . I pulled my hand away from his grip and stuffed the money into the can before standing up. "Believe what you want."
"Are you fucking serious? You drove one of those races again! How many times do I have to tell you-"

"You're going to be late for your shift," I reminded him, leaning against the door frame. Cursing beneath his breath, he grabbed his bag and put on his name tag. I really didn't feel like receiving constant lectures anymore.

"This discussion is not over yet!", he yelled like a stressed mom. I rolled my eyes as he frantically gathered everything together. Reid took working in that filthy gas station way too seriously. He could take his time. Carl, the manager, was probably still knocked out in the Morningstar, the local bar, sleeping off his inebriation.

Reid probably has to wait an hour outside looked doors, waiting for this duchbag now. I looked at my watch and heard the rumble from the floor above, right on the dot. The monsters had awakened.

Reid stopped as well and looked up, as if he could see through the ceiling. Then he looked at me pleadingly, "Can you today-" I waved him off, "No worry's. I'll do it. Now fuck off."

Reid gave me a grateful look and walked out the door. Dead tired, I leaned against the counter.

This was going to be a long ass day.

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