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"How have you been feeling recently your grace?" asked the maester as he examined faeleanna seated before him, he laid out his needed tools onto the table along with his small notebook

"same as it was before" answered the woman as she watched him pick up a quill and began writing in his book, the maester hummed "any ticks or fidgeting increasement?" he questioned

she shook her head "minor fiddling and jaw ticking" the maester hummed writing down what she had said

"have you harmed anyone or yourself in the last weeks?" faeleanna almost flinched at the question she always found vulnerable for her to adhear and answer, the very reason she hated this illness she was bestowed upon

"no i have not" she answered stiffly, the maester nodded setting down his quill and book as he gestured for his helpers to near

the silver head watched as one closed the door and locking it behind them making her jaw clench at what was to occur

the man stood infront of her "now you know the procedure we have to proceed to keep track on how your episodes has been progressing, so stay seated your grace and it shall be all over soon" with that he nodded to the man as they came forward

they chained the sea queen to the chair incase she killed anyone of them when the maester fall through with these procedures, it has happened before and she killed two of the helpers with just the broken leg of the wooden chair

so the maester brought the idea of chaining the woman down for safety reasons, and with faeleanna already guilty of killing them—she agreed

"i will be setting your trigger off now your grace ...the pain shall be bearable" faeleanna tightened her jaw as she nodded

the maester took ahold of a simple dagger as he held it over the lit candle, the iron burning above it. he pulled away from the candle and turned to the woman "are you ready your grace?" asked the man

"just fucking do it" gritted the woman out wanting this to be over with

the man placed the hot iron at her wrist, he pushed it flat on her skin letting it burn. faeleanna groaned lightly feeling her mind slowly slip loose from her tight control

the maester took note of her other hand twitching subtly making him slowly sink the blade in her skin, a fresh yet small cut was now present as the crimson blood peaked from the wound

faeleanna clenched her jaw balling up her fist tightly, the slipping turned into the walls crumbling down as her leg started to shake up and down rapidly

pain is what you know

the voice that matched own voice flooded her mind even if it came from the maesters lips, he cut her again just above the previous wound. the twitching in her hand was now noticeable

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