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A/N: yall really thought i would let my girl fae die for that dusty, dookie booty man😭😭 i love playing with yall

A/N: yall really thought i would let my girl fae die for that dusty, dookie booty man😭😭 i love playing with yall

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Faeleanna snapped from those possible thoughts if she were to save the man, risking her life for someone she barely knew was not on her deathwish. she looked once more at the sight of jon fighting the night king before she ran off joining her siblings fight off the dead

"you really left him there" yelled cornelia as she stabbed her blade, dawn through ones skull. the silver head shrugged lightly cutting three heads off "he wants to be brave, let him be brave" she had no remorse nor sympathy if the man were to die by the hands of the night king

when both daenerys and faeleanna said to the man prior the battle to not encounter the night king because he will die no matter how hard he tried and tried to win against him, as the prophecy said

only the princess that was promised could bring a new dawn

yet he didn't listen now he faces the consequences alone, faeleanna was not about to risk her nor her wifes life to save a man who doesn't adhere when not to be a hero in a story that doesn't belong to him

as faeleanna killed off the walkers, her eyes caught sight of drogon flying above the night king. a perfect position to blast his fire onto him

jon snow wheezed on the ground as he was stabbed in his shoulder moving away as fast as he could from the night king when he noticed daenerys above him

the dragon queen was about to give her command but the night king turned as fast a blur and longued his spear right to drogon

it hit drogon right above his left wing as the dragon roared in pain, daenerys held onto drogon when he began to pummel to the ground

"dany!" yelled faeleanna as she ran to where her wife and her dragon fell

daenerys fell off the dragon and rolled on the ground, she was lucky she had on her armor to protect herself and her stomach as it broke her fall.

the silver head dropped her axe running to her wife as she kneeled down "dany" daenerys groaned at the light pain as she opened her eyes meeting the worried gaze of her wife

"ow" she rubbed her head as the silver head helped her up "you okay pretty? you hurt anywhere" she checked for any blood pouring from the woman's armor and was thankful she found nothing

daenerys nodded with a smile but soon realized her dragons injury "drogon" daenerys was quick to run to her dragon looking to him with deep concern, drogon whined at the spear in him

"s'okay buddy, i got you" faeleanna gently said before taking ahold of the spear and ripping it from him, drogon growled lowly at the pain but was glad it was removed

"can he fly?" asked daenerys as she rubbed his snout soothingly

"let him rest, for now we have other problems on our hands" daenerys and faeleanna looked behind them and saw a large group of walkers running and screeching towards them

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