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"So you know who I am then?"

"I tend to keep up to date with villains. Especially ones that attack my friends." Will rose from the ground. The fur on his tail rose high and the blade in his pocket pointed straight at Shigaraki. He pointed with his knife, "Especially if you attack my friends."

"Are you friends with one of the heroes there?" Shigaraki remained in a straight up posture. Hands on his arms were correct, except he had forgotten some on his shoulder and back of the head. From his pocket he grabbed another hand and carefully placed it on his face.

"Like hell would that matter when I use your face as a skateboard in a second." Will quickly switched to Japanese for comfort of the villains speech. His tail whipped around in an aggressive whip-like wag "Did you find who you were looking for? Or was it me all along?"

"I was looking for another mediocre villain in the area, but youre so much better than any mid-tier villain I can just grab from the streets." He smiled underneath the mask which sent a chill down Will's spine.

"Why me huh? You don't even know me." He barked out with angry eyes.

"I do, Martinez" with that Shigaraki charged at Will with his hands ready to attack.

"He died a long time ago." Will charged back expecting to get a good stab into his side. A knife flew in front of his face unexpectedly as he struggled to dodge it. He didn't even hear the people standing on top of the building. Such a horrid day to be attacked when he's still repairing from already losing so much energy. He can no longer detect far away sounds or even function his quirk in the light.

Shigaraki got the upper hand by grabbing his shoulder to stop him from moving forward more. He grabbed the knife with all of his hand and crumbled it into a fine powder with ease.

Will raised his left foot and kicked as hard as he could into the villain. It shoved him to the side enough that he stumbled back. He made a run for the exit, but not before a dark mist covered the exit like a wall. Will didnt expect the movement to be so fast that he couldn't react. As he entered the portal, he was expecting to be immediately in the villain's lair or some sort of cell they could keep him in. Instead he was thrown against a wire fence with barbed wire across it. The fence clanked against the metal bar on top as Will stumbled against it and grabbed onto it.

"Do you want to join us willingly?" Shigaraki slowly stepped towards Will, whose ears were jolting all around like crazy.

"NEVER!" He yelled as he practically soared while climbing the fence. The villain was expecting him to go through the barbed wire. Instead he leaped off of the fence and onto the ladder of the fire escape. He held on, letting it fall a bit before climbing up it. He pulled it back up before the villain could even get close to grabbing it and stood there for a second watching their reaction.

Kurogiri stepped forward and was ready to teleport the boy back down to the ground. Shigaraki just simply held an arm out against him and stared at the boy.

Will took that time to look around for who threw the knife. On the building in front of him, a blonde girl with buns and a man in a bodysuit stood above. The one across from his had one person, with stapled in, dead skin and black hair. The girl waved with a knife in her hand as she removed her mask to smile.Will climbed up another story as quickly as he could and watched as the suit jumped down onto the fire escapes as well.

"If you go any higher, you'll be met with more villains waiting for you." Shigaraki taunted as the boy turned to him.

"Not like I want to meet crazy eyes up there." Will calmly replied in a huff before winding back, away from the fence. He lunged forward at the railing and jumped over the fence. Before he hit the ground, he heard the clink of things from his pocket hit the ground. He made a small ramp he could slide down so the fall wouldn't be as dramatic. He slid across the floor for a second, then bounced back up to pray that he didn't lose something important. He turned to see the villain with his phone in his hands already trying to turn it on.

Will Cooper MHA OC AUWhere stories live. Discover now