Self Hating

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Ochako POV:

After the incident in the morning, I decided to try and find some of our more calm classmates to introduce Eri to them one by one in her room. I thought if I did that and showed her some of the less rowdy of our class, she might be less afraid. Thanks to this, she seemed to have less fear to Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Koda, Shoji and Ojiro. Since she was still ok with Kirishima, I did also introduce her to him with it working well in my opinion. For better or worse though, I decided to reintroduce her back to Iida near the end so she felt a little more relaxed knowing there's nicer people in the school even if he didn't show it firsthand.

"Keep in mind Iida. She's very timid and your first impression on her was well...terrible in the easiest choice of words that don't seem crappy to say."

"I apologize for that. I did not intend to come off as a rude and aggressive."

"I'm not the one you need to say that to. The kid that was on the verge of a panic attack this morning needs to understand that." Pork Rinds came out from his door to look at us before going in again. "Guess that's our cue in saying she's ready for us."

"Quite a smart pig."

"Everyone thinks that." I opened the door for Eri to be looking at a picture book trying to read but not understanding what it says. "Eri. I have someone else I want to introduce you to." I opened the door a bit more to show Iida with her face showing fear. "It's ok. He didn't mean to be loud. Iida was being loud at the spikey blond boy because he was saying bad words. He wasn't trying to be mean to you."

"Eri. Allow me to formally apologize if you thought ill of me this morning. I had no intention nor did I actually know I was being scary to you." Iida immediately went into a complete 90 degree angle and apologized. "My name is Tenya Iida and what I did was inexcusable. Please forgive me and I do hope we could become friends."

Eri looked at Iida for a minute before looking at me. "Does he mean it?"

"Yes. He does. Iida might be a little too straight laced, but he means well."

"I am only straight laced as you call it so I can make sure we all follow the ideal way we should act as students of this refined school."

"And here we go again with the straight laced nature. Half the time I think you need to get a girlfriend to hopefully calm you down a little." I smirked at this with Iida completely going red. "Anyway, Iida is a great help if you need him to tell you something. He over emphasizes things and also does weird karate chops whenever he speaks, but he's a great person to go to if you don't understand something. Just like Yaoyorozu."

"I do not do weird hand chopping motions." To prove my point, Iida started chopping the air making me motion to it to Eri. She just stared at it not sure if she should respond and instead just tilted her head in confusion.

'Ok. That's just creepy.' "Anyway, how about as an apology, Iida here reads that book you're trying to understand to you." Eri glanced down at the book before nodding. "There we go. There's a seat in the corner if you don't want to sit on her bed." I turned to Iida to explain this to him for him to just nod in understanding before going towards the bed. "I'll be right back, Eri. If something bad happens, Pork Rinds is here."

"Shouldn't I be the first person to inform as comfort before an animal?" Iida asked as I calmly smiled and continued with what I said.

"If you need anything, Pork Rinds is here and if he can't help, Robocop will."

"That's not much better." I snickered at this before coming out the door and shutting it behind me.

"*sigh* This was harder than I thought." I walked down towards the common area to use the bathroom and decompress a bit. While I did, I could only think about what I failed to do for Midoriya and see no difference between him and Eri. Not only that, but the mess up this morning was predominantly my fault since I didn't try and deescalate Bakugou in a better way than I should've. "Why was my first instinct to yell at him?" I finished up what I was doing to grab some water and something to snack on before going back upstairs. Before I could though, Bakugou stopped me and began demanding answers.

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