𝟎𝟎𝟒-𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐦, 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡!

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    WIND SLASHES AT Ziggy's face as if they were blades

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WIND SLASHES AT Ziggy's face as if they were blades. She leans up hesitantly from her hiding spot, trying not to look down. Despite the silent pleads from Teddy for her to sit back down, she loves the feeling. The sharp turns and tosses have the Pierce siblings clinging onto anything, (specifically Ziggy), for dear life. Despite that, she had never have felt more free; it all feels like a dream. I mean, she is in Santa's sleigh with Teddy and Kate Pierce on Christmas Eve. To her, that feels more than a dream. Kate and Teddy take a peek, embracing the night sky along with her. Santa yelled gruffly in the front towards the reindeer. Teddy crawls over to a corner in the large sleigh, turning on the camera to have video evidence this night. Bells jingle loudly, satisfying Ziggy's ears. The Strong girl stares down at Kate, smiling at her.
Suddenly, shivers enter Ziggy's body. She becomes cold and fragile. She kneels down into the corner of the sleigh, holding her knees, trying to warm them up; like the coldness caught up to her without even knowing. Kate holds onto the girl, rubbing her hands with her gloves. Teddy turns to the two with the camera, smiling like a proud parent. His smiled drops slightly seeing the distressed look on Ziggy's cold face. "It's freezing." Ziggy shivers. Teddy turns off the camera, holding her knees over her thin, black tights.
     "Hold on. He's gonna go back down soon." Teddy looks around for something to keep her warm.
     "Maybe Santa has a blanket?" Kate suggested.
     "I'll look." Teddy crawls around the spacious sleigh, feeling every corner of it to see if something, anything would help. Ziggy dazes off, choosing to dose off by staring at Teddy. The boy stays concentrated and focused on finding a blanket for her. The brunette smiles to herself, knowing she's never had a kinder friend. Then, something inside sparked. It was small, but Ziggy could feel it bubbling inside her, it was something Cody could never make her feel. Meanwhile, a strong urge is growing inside of Kate. She has to talk to him. She has to talk to the Santa Claus guiding a sleigh right in front of her. She looks to a distracted Ziggy and swiftly sneaks away from her, slowly trying to muster up the words to talk to the red man. Teddy's head spun back to see Kate reaching for him.
     "Kate!" Teddy whisper yells, coming after her.
     "Santa?" Kate says, tapping the big, concentrated man's shoulder. He miraculously turns back.
     "HOOOO!" Santa yells with Kate returning a scream. Things are going down, quite literally. The reindeer fly straight up; further into the deep dark sky. Santa stands up, trying his best to take control of the reindeer. Ziggy's cold feeble legs can't keep straight, causing her to fly back, flinging herself on top of Teddy. The two scramble to get off each other while still remaining on the sleigh. Kate looses balance, flinging back and flying straight off the sleigh. Kate shrills, holding onto the edge off the sleigh for her life. Ziggy and Teddy reach for the girl. But before they could, she's gone. Ziggy became sick to the stomach. She reached back with Teddy in utter fear.
     "Kate! Help!" Ziggy and Teddy scream in horror. The man looks back in confusion.
     Kate continues shrieking, failing and falling rapidly. Teddy and Ziggy cling onto each other, inching their way closer towards the edge of the sleigh to reach Kate. Santa hollers at the reindeer, changing gears. The sleigh switches almost upside down, making Teddy and Ziggy yell even more. The sleigh dashes straight down, becoming aligned with Kate. "Kate!" Teddy screams. The two reach out their arms, using their other arms to hold onto each other for balance.
     "Help me!" Kate screams.
     "Grab our hands!" Ziggy screams as loud as she can. Kate strained, reaching her arms out, the wind smacks them like needles to the face as their loud screams are tuned out by the wind.
     "Reach!" Teddy yells.
     "I'm trying!" Kate grunts. "Ziggy!" Kate screams hoarsely. Ziggy strains, her whole torso now off the sleigh.
     "You got this, Kate!" Teddy rasps. Within seconds, Ziggy clutches onto Kate's whole wrist while Teddy grabbed onto Kate's hand. The two yank her back into the sleigh, the three breath heavily and scared. Santa shouts, bringing them back to a regular pace. They all honestly forgot they're here. Once they regained their breath, a pair of blinding lights and the roar of airplane engines come their way. The four shrill while Santa attempts to get them out of the way. Their balance becomes lost. The wind breaks their ears with the force of the sky going against them. The dashboard clicks in confusion. Santa grunts as they go through a northern lights display of different places. It all feels unreal. It all becomes calm. They see the Eiffel Tower, Moscow, San Francisco and so many other places Ziggy and Teddy could only dream of going to. Santa struggles as his hat flies off into the abyss. They end up somewhere unknown, clutching onto each other. They head down as the sack flies off in a blink of an eye. The girls yelp as the reindeer fly away. They are in big trouble; they're heading straight down to the ground. Santa forces himself down into his seat. with a grunt. He knows what to do.
     "Hold onto each other!" Santa orders. The three look at each other in a panic. In an instant, they cling onto one another as closely and as tight as they can. Ziggy wraps her arms around them, gasping for air. A brake clicks quickly as they're back on track again. The three kids glide before regaining their breath. They glide towards the ground not-so-swiftly as their wing breaks off from a water tower. The whole sleigh breaks down slowly. "Brace yourselves!" Santa yells, clinging to his sleigh. Ziggy digs her fingers into the Pierce's jackets, making sure they're secure. They have no clue what is in store. Another wing flies off before flinging so into the cold Chicago snow. Cold, unconscious and no clue where they are.