𝟎𝟎𝟕-𝐳𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥

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     THE PIERCE'S TOSS AND TURN in the back seat while Ziggy has a ball on the wheel

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     THE PIERCE'S TOSS AND TURN in the back seat while Ziggy has a ball on the wheel. Santa sits still, combing around the car. He throws the objects he didn't need in the back seat, hitting the terrified Teddy every time. "How we doing?" Santa mumbles. Kate turns herself around, peeking in the back.
     "No one's following us." Kate said with Teddy sitting her back down.
"So you can slow down." Teddy emphasized towards Ziggy.
"Oh cmon, I'm not even going that fast." Kate peeks to the front seeing Santa play with junk he's found in the car. Kate stares confusedly.
"Oh, now we're getting somewhere..."
     "Oh my god, move!" Ziggy screams, flipping off the driver who was too close for comfort.
     "Ziggy!" Santa shouts, slapping her hand down.
"Uh, Santa, you know that stuff's junk, right?" Kate questioned.
"Well, Katie-Kat, one man's junk is Santa's treasure." Santa said sounding concentrated. "Teddy, I'm gonna need your knife." Santa questioned. Teddy hesitated before pulling it out carefully. Santa looked at it, holding it up so the night light could aluminate it. It read A Pierce Always Sees It Through. Santa nods his head, looking back at Teddy who keeps his eyes fixated on Ziggy before going back to his work. Santa pulled the radio out of the car, playing with it along with the other things he's made.
"Uh, Santa, that's not how you work the radio." Kate informed. Static buzzes before he places the radio back into the car. Ziggy stares, confusedly. Suddenly, a woman starts speaking on the radio. Kate's face lights up with glee as the anonymous woman continues to speak.
"On the corner of Naperville and Roslyn Car 476 responding." Ziggy listens carefully in absolute awe.
"How did you just—"
"Well, I am the greatest toy maker on Earth, Zig." Santa remarks, ruffling Ziggy's perfect hair. The girl grins, turning back to Teddy who smiles back at the girl, also growing impatient.
"All units, we have a reported grand theft auto. A 2014 red Dodge Challenger, license plate six, bravo, Lima, seven, two, four. Stolen by three kids and an extremely large man." Everyone's face changes from worried to totally panicked. Santa chuckles in disbelief.
"A guy goes to the gym everyday, stays away from sugar and carbs, what difference does it make? Oh man." Santa complains to himself.
"Attention, we have multiple sightings of what appear to be...reindeer...running down Michigan Avenue..." Ziggy smiles, turning to Santa as he does the same. The two reckless friends read each other's minds.
"Just what we're looking for." Santa grinned mischievously.
"I have a team of reindeer headed southbound on Michigan Avenue toward Water Tower."
"And they're not that far away." Santa breathed in, sharply pointing to the right which just leads to a building. "That way! Go!" Ziggy raises her eyebrow, turning to Santa.
"The car can't fly, Saint Nick."
"Right, habit. Okay, left on State, right on Erie, left of Michigan." Santa directed.
"How do you know so much about Chicago?" Kate asked, looking out the window.
"I know every street in the world, kid. Zig, you think we could pick it up a little bit?" Ziggy was waiting for those words. Her head whipped to the left, facing everyone.
"Put your seatbelt on." She said deeply. Teddy swooned in the back, putting it on as directed. He knew what was ahead. Santa chuckles softly, putting it on. 
Ziggy's smile grew just in time for: "State Street, go!" Santa yelled. The tires squeal, taking a huge sharp turn in between two cars. The engine revs louder as the four shake around in the car. Ziggy sits frozen, surprised at what she just did. "Good move, Zig." The two fist bump quietly between the panting and shock.


Santa clears his throat before unbuckling his seatbelt. "Alright, slow down, Ziggy. See if we can find my reindeer." Santa says as Ziggy slows the car down, her blood still pumping from the rush. Santa grunts as he climbs though the roof, sitting atop of it. "Donner!" Santa spits out. "Comet!" Santa whistles. "Blitzen!" Santa whistles once more along with clicking his tongue and making any noise that will attract the reindeer. "Dasher!" Kate records from the back seat, catching a glimpse of the reindeer they've been so desperately looking for running down the block.
"You guys! There—there they are!" Kate yells. Santa looks around cluelessly.
"Back down that street! Turn around, Zig! Turn around!" On Teddy's demand, Ziggy does a whole 360 around before roaming the car around, looking for those mythical beings. They cruise down the block not long before they hear sleigh bells ringing. Santa hits the top of the car, signaling to stop.
"Ziggy, stop the car!" The breaks squeal while Santa slides down the car window. "Prancer! Dancer! Get back here!" The three kids jump out of the car, about to call for the reindeer as well. "Comet! Cupid! Donner! Did I say Dasher? I always forget about Vixen. Vixen!" Santa hollers deeply.
"Guys! Guys!" Teddy points towards the cop car across the block, presumably looking for them.
"All right. Kate, come here." Kate scurries out of the car, facing Santa, reading for her task. "You go after the reindeer. We're gonna buy you some time." Santa told Kate. Teddy stepped in, arguing Santa's order.
"No, we're not just leaving my little sister all alone out here! No way!" Kate turned to Teddy, defending Santa.
"Teddy I can handle it."
"Zig , you go with Kate." Teddy orders. Before Santa could intervene, Ziggy stopped the soon-to-be argument.
"Teddy, you go with Kate while me and Santa buy some time, alright?"
Teddy stammered for words. "What if—what if you get caught—I am not letting you go to jail!" Teddy stated sternly. Ziggy held onto Teddy's shoulders tight, becoming close. Looking into Teddy's worried eyes. He breathes in deeply, placing his hands on her waist for a sense of comfort.
"I'm going to be fine. Right now, you shouldn't be worrying about anyone else but you sister, go with her." Sydney smiled, coming to a compromise. Although Teddy didn't like it, he couldn't contradict her. He had to trust her word. It had never steered them wrong anyways, and he knew that. But he would rather sacrifice his future instead of hers. He believed she had one, unlike him. Ziggy let go, joining Santa's side as Teddy joined Kate's. Santa bent down to Kate's level before they left.
"I've always believed in you, Kate." Santa encouraged, Kate smiled, keeping herself together, even in a moment like this.
"I've always believed in you. Unlike some people." Kate looked up towards Teddy. He huffed, looking away from Kate.
"Guys, we better move." The cop car slowly pulling up to the car.
"You can do this. Go get 'em." Santa encourages. Kate's face grows resolute. Teddy rushes up to Ziggy, about to say goodbye; she  latches onto Teddy's chest, leaning in quickly. She stops herself an inch away from Teddy's lips. She looked him in the eyes without saying a word after pushing herself off. Teddy's heart races. He paused, getting a glimmer in his eyes before running off. He doesn't know what to say. Should he have leaned in? What does it mean? He has no clue. But he knows has to get those reindeer. But how can he get them if he can't even get Ziggy?